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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

CLA Graduate Research Partnership Program (GRPP) Fellowship Applications due April 15, 2010

American Studies is able to award CLA Graduate Research Partnership Program (GRPP) fellowships to two students in good standing, currently enrolled in the Ph.D program. The fellowship includes a summer stipend of $4,000, and the possibility of research funds up to $500. The deadline for application is April 15, 2010.

CLA Graduate Research Partnership Program (GRPP) Fellowship Applications due April 15, 2010
American Studies is able to award CLA Graduate Research Partnership Program (GRPP) fellowships to two students in good standing, currently enrolled in the Ph.D program. Students are ineligible if they are not in good standing, have incompletes in official program coursework from a prior term on their transcript, or if they have previously received a GRPP. Students receiving other U of M fellowships, including department fellowships, during the period are also ineligible
GRPP Fellows will be provided a research stipend of $4000 for summer 2010. American Studies may also provide up to $500 to cover the cost of materials, travel, and expendables associated with the research project. GRPP Fellows are eligible for summer health insurance coverage through CLA's Office of Graduate Programs.
A complete proposal in addition to the application and budget proposal form (attached) should include:
-Research proposal which includes the following sections:
1. Background. Give a brief overview of the research project and place it in the context of the relevant research in the field of inquiry
2. Describe the anticipated outcome of the project (e.g. article, book chapter, an artistic work).
3. Explain the importance or scholarly/creative contribution of the project.
4. Explain how the project will contribute to your academic experience, professional development, and degree progress.
5. Describe the mentoring relationship that will take place between you and the faculty project adviser endorsing this proposal.
- Student curriculum vitae (two-pages or less)
Selection criteria will include:
The quality and significance of the scholarship proposed; the role of the faculty mentor in the summer project; value of the experience to the applicant's development; the value of the fellowship to achievement of the project; and the applicant is in good standing.
Submit your application materials to Melanie ( stein196@umn.edu ) by the April 15, 2010 deadline.
GRPP Application Form.doc