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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Fall Book Orders Due

NOTE FROM LAURA: I've been notified by the bookstore that it is time to submit fall book orders. Please send your order to me by Wednesday, May 5, 2010. Please continue reading for the order form, bookstore ordering guidelines, and notes that help me process your order and obtain desk copies.

Blank Book Order Form.xls
Notes from Laura:
-Please complete one form for each course, and email your order as an attachment to me at Domin047@umn.edu by Wednesday, May 5, 2010.
-Let me know whether or not you need a personal desk copy. I will be requesting copies for your TAs.
- I submit a request to the publisher for desk copies after I receive your completed order form. It can take weeks to obtain desk copies, so the earlier I get the order, the earlier you and your TAs will have copies of the books. Desk copies cannot be guaranteed for faculty and instructors if the deadline for book orders is not met.
-If your course is cross-listed, include all department names on your order form so that all sections of the course will have books ordered.
- Include the ISBN of the edition you want . If the ISBN is incorrect, you may end up with a different edition of the book.
-If you are NOT ordering books or ordering a packet instead, be sure to let me know.
Bookstore guidelines:
-Submitting book orders before Spring 2010 Finals Week gives the bookstore the opportunity to pay students the best price for their books during buyback.
- If you delete or change books for your course after they have shipped from the publisher, your research account will be charged for return fees.
-If know you will be using a book in the future, please indicate when that is. This allows the bookstore to plan to purchase used copies, saving students money.
- Be sure to specify whether the book is Required (R) or Optional (O).