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Thursday, March 3, 2011

American Studies Teaching Application for Summer 2011

To apply for a summer teaching position, please complete the attached application. To be eligible for the teaching positions you must have passed your preliminary examinations. Please feel free to contact Colleen (612-624-1871) with any questions. The deadline for the application is Wednesday, March 23rd, 2011.

American Studies Teaching Application for Summer 2011
To apply for a summer teaching position, please complete the attached application. To be eligible for the teaching positions you must have passed your preliminary examinations. Please feel free to contact Colleen (612-624-1871) with any questions. The deadline for the application is Wednesday, March 23rd , 2011. The processes and selection criteria by which teaching assistant resources are distributed in American Studies are intended to seek balance among the following rationales: curricular needs, programmatic obligations, equity, and merit. The goal of the Department is that every graduate student will, at some point before graduation, have the opportunity to teach his or her own American Studies course. In accordance with University policy, the Chair of the Department ultimately makes staffing decisions.
Attachment application:
App Teaching Pool Summer 2011.docx