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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Academic Exchange Quarterly Fall 2011 Issue Call for Papers

Academic Exchange Quarterly- a respected, peer-reviewed, print journal - invites original, unpublished manuscripts of 2000 to 3000 words for its fall 2011 issue. Anyone who teaches a class with a writing emphasis is encouraged to submit. Submission deadline: May 31, 2011.

Academic Exchange Quarterly--a respected, peer-reviewed, print journal--invites original, unpublished manuscripts of 2000 to 3000 words for its Fall 2011 issue.
Focus: In recent years, schools have developed various ways of dealing with and helping students understand social problems such as homelessness and crises that include national tragedies such as terrorist attacks and devastating hurricanes and war and local tragedies such as school shootings, teacher and student suicides, accidental deaths, discrimination or violence against targeted groups. All teachers share a responsibility for helping students come to terms with and sometimes act on these events, but teachers involved with a "writing classroom" of any kind have a unique stance from which to engage students in critical thought and discussion of the crises. What are some of the ways an instructor can use the writing classroom to promote constructive thought, discussion, and awareness of such issues? What are some of the considerations an instructor must explore before delving into these activities--personal feelings, student sensitivities, and community or school views?
Who May Submit: All writing teachers with experiences helping students understand and deal with social problems or crises, whether positive or negative. Raising sensitive or volatile issues in the classroom is a tricky business, and learning from others' trial and error experiences is an effective way to develop a strong approach. Contributors are not limited to Composition or Literature instructors; anyone who teaches a class with a writing emphasis is encouraged to submit. Submission instructions are available at http://www.tinyurl.com/AEQ-Tech. Please identify your submission with keyword: WRITING-2. Please format your paper carefully according to the online instructions. Submission deadline is May 31, 2011.