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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

GWSS 8220 - Science, Technology & Environmental Justice

GWSS 8220 Seminar, "Science, Technology & Environmental Justice" will be taught by Susan Craddock. This course examines current ways of thinking about the complex, dynamic, troubling, and exciting intersections of humans and new biotechnologies, nonhumans, and changing ecosystems.

GWSS 8220 - Science, Technology & Environmental Justice
Thursdays: 3:35pm-5:45pm in Ford 400

Seminar Description: This course examines current ways of thinking about the complex, dynamic, troubling, and exciting intersections of humans and new biotechnologies, nonhumans, and changing ecosystems. What aggregate social and political factors come together to form new interpolations of science and nature? What rhetorical shifts shape interpretations of 'global' health, environment, disease, intervention? What potentials do new technologies have for disrupting current forms of capitalism, or shaping new questions of ethics, citizenship, or liberalism? What new understandings are social scientists and scientists discerning about microbes and our relations with them? The seminar will be largely book-driven, including texts by Donna Haraway, Sheila Jasanof, Nikolas Rose, Stefan Helmreich, Sarah Franklin, and Stacy Alaimo.