The Gender, Sexuality, Power and Politics Colloquium Presents: Libby Sharrow, Ph.D Candidate, Department of Political Science, Feminist & Critical Sexuality Studies Minor, Department of Gender, Women, & Sexuality Studies, University of Minnesota.
"'On the basis of sex: Public Policy, the Female Athlete, and the Politics of Title IX"
Abstract: How does public policy come to affect social and political understandings of sex and gender? This talk will evaluate the case of Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, exploring how political debates over policy implementation and design have constituted sex as a category of policy, and the "female athlete" as a political identity. I re-center the discussion of Title IX in its lineage within other American civil rights policies, problematizing our understandings of Title IX as an inherently progressive policy intervention. Finally, by analyzing the emergence of the "female athlete" as a political identity over the past forty years, I argue that policy has forged the political category of sex, in the policy domain of athletics, with particularly gendered, racialized, classed, and able-bodied implications.
Friday, March 8, 2013
450 Social Science Tower