The Journal of Labor and Immigration is now looking to publish exceptional academic papers that exemplify the Journal's purpose! The Journal of Labor and Immigration aims to shift the immigration discussion to a systemic level by exploring the intersections between labor and migration. The Journal hopes to highlight the causal role of policy in creating the conditions for migration.
Drawing from a variety of disciplines, the Journal encourages applicants of all academic levels to submit papers in the Social Sciences and Humanities and on a range of topics across all geographic regions. These might include: Anthropology, Cultural Studies, Economic Development, Ethnic Studies, History, International Relations, Political Science, Sociology, etc. In an increasingly globalized world, it is important to draw upon a broad array of expertise in order to advance our knowledge of the role of borders, labor, and migration will play in the upcoming years.
Email articles as a Microsoft Word file (.doc or .docx) in double-spaced, 12 point type. Articles should include a cover page with the following information:
- Full name
- Contact information (email, phone)
- Article title
- Brief abstract
- Short explanation of when and why paper was initially written
- College / university
All submissions are due by June 15th. If you wish to submit or learn about opportunities to get involved, email us at
For more information, visit our website at
Please see attached flyer.