To schedule an appointment with our Chair Kevin Murphy, DGS Bianet Castellanos, or Undergraduate Adviser Jeremy Lundquist, please e-mail or call the main office at 612-624-4190 with your preferred time, date, and topic/description for the appointment.
Kevin Murphy will be holding his Chair office hours on Wednesdays from 1pm - 3pm in his office in 104 Scott Hall. We will schedule appointments in 20 minute time slots.
Bianet Castellanos will be holding DGS office hours on Tuesdays from 2:30pm - 4:30pm. We will schedule appointments in 20 minutes time slots.
Jeremy Lundquist will be holding his American Studies Undergraduate Advising appointments Mondays 1pm - 4:30pm, Tuesdays 9am - 12pm, and Fridays 1pm - 4:30pm in 102 Scott Hall. We will schedule appointments in 30 minute time slots.