THE DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY, ENVIRONMENT, and SOCIETY is hosting a social hour with two presentations titled "Re-imaging Urban Growth and Development" and "Revisiting fire history in the Border Lakes Region of Northern Minnesota: A Status Report" in Blegen Hall 445 beginning at 3:30 on Friday, October 10th.
Re-imaging Urban Growth and Development
Rod Squires
The appropriate scale for describing urban development is the plat, a map illustrating the location and the boundaries of the area in which changes to the existing land use are proposed.
Revisiting fire history in the Border Lakes Region of Northern Minnesota: A Status Report
Kurt Kipfmueller
Increasingly, forested landscapes are being managed to account for the critical regulatory role of fire based on fire histories developed from tree rings. However, the degree to which human agency influenced fire regimes in the past remains an open question that is difficult to address. I will discuss new fire history work initiated in Voyageurs National Park and the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness that specifically addresses the potential connections between fire and Native Americans. I will provide an overview of the research questions, our approach to the challenge, and some preliminary results from a set of studies currently being undertaken.