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Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Summer Dissertation Writing Funds requests due by April 24, 2017

Summer Dissertation Writing Funds

Summer Dissertation Writing Funds are awarded only once in your PhD career. The current award is an amount of up to $4,000. Criteria for requesting available funds are that the student must be ABD, be actively writing their dissertations, not have received the funds previously, and in good standing.

The request should include:

1) Your name, student ID, dissertation title, and a statement that you have not received your dissertation writing funds previously.

2) A description (1 page) of your dissertation.

3) A description detailing what you will undertake over the summer (up to 1 page). Be as specific as possible with your writing schedule.

4) A note from your adviser confirming that you have completed enough research to be actively writing substantive portions of the dissertation.  Please ask your adviser to email Melanie directly.

Submit your request to Melanie (stein196@umn.edu) by the April 24,2017 deadline.