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Monday, February 28, 2011

Brian Tochterman Talk Cancelled

The talk by Brian Tochterman, "Fear City on Film: The Cinematic Narrative of 1970s New York City as Public History and Memory," scheduled for Wednesday, March 2, has been cancelled.

PhD Jason Ruiz Chicano Studies job talk

PhD Jason Ruiz Chicano Studies job talk, Desire Among the Ruins: Travel to Porfirian Mexico and the Aesthetics of Economic Conquest, will be given on Wednesday, March 2, at 3:30 pm in 102 Walter Library.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Ethnomusicology and Global Culture Summer Institute - Application Deadline: March 1, 2011

Ethnomusicology and Global Culture, a Summer Institute sponsored by the National Endowment for the Humanities, will be held at WesleyanUniversity on June 20 - July 1, 2011. Stipend support is available for 22 faculty and 3 full-time graduate students. Application deadline: March 1, 2011.

Ethnomusicology and Global Culture Summer Institute - Application Deadline: March 1, 2011
Ethnomusicology and Global Culture, a Summer Institute sponsored by the National Endowment for the Humanities, will be held at WesleyanUniversity on June 20 - July 1, 2011. The Institute is co-organized by the Wesleyan University Music Department and the Society for Ethnomusicology, with Eric Charry serving as Director. Stipend support is available for 22 faculty and 3 full-time graduate students.
Institute lecturers include Eric Charry, Mark Slobin, Su Zheng, Melvin Butler, Peter Hadley, Maureen Mahon, Maria Mendonça, Alex Perullo, and Sumarsam.
For more information and application procedures, visit the Institute website at http://semneh11.wesleyan.edu. We welcome applications from specialists in ethnomusicology, music scholars outside the field of ethnomusicology, and academics in related disciplines. The application deadline is March 1, 2011.

Prelim Workshop "The Work of American Studies" Rescheduled for February 28th

Please note: "The Work of American Studies" series Prelim Workshop that was postponed due to the winter storm has been rescheduled for Monday, February 28th.

Prelim Workshop "The Work of American Studies" Rescheduled for February 28th
Please note: "The Work of American Studies" series Prelim Workshop
that was postponed due to the winter storm has been rescheduled for
Monday, February 28 at 3:30pm in the Scott Hall Commons, room 105.
Click here to read the original Digest announcement for information
about this workshop and the series:

Classroom Assignments for Finals Week

Spring 2011 Faculty and instructors who will NOT use their classroom during finals week should notify the department by writing to amstdy@umn.edu no later than Wednesday, March 9th. If you are unsure of when your final is to be held, check the schedule at http://onestop.umn.edu/calendars/final_exams/index.html

Classroom Assignments for Finals Week
It is important to notify the department if you will NOT be using your classroom during finals week to help central scheduling meet the space demand. If you are unsure of when your final is to be held, see link below to see the Spring Final Exam Schedule. Please respond to the department by Wednesday, March 9th.

PCard Receipt Reminder

Please submit receipts for all February PCard purchases to Laura by Tuesday, March 1st.

PCard Receipt Reminder
See generic coversheet below:
COVERSHEET generic-1.xlsx

Dept. of History PhD Candidate Practice Job Talk

"Fear City on Film: The Cinematic Narrative of 1970s New York City as Public History and Memory", a practice job talk, will be given by the Department of History PhD candidate Brian Tochterman on March 2nd at 10:30 a.m. in 1229 Heller Hall.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Save the Date: David Noble Lecture

Save the Date: The 17th Annual David Noble Lecture, featuring Dr. Thaddeus Russell, will be held on Tuesday, April 12th at 5 pm, in the President's Room in Coffman Union. More details will follow soon, but we wanted you to be able to mark your calendars for this important event.

The department is pleased to announce the new series for grad students, "The Work of American Studies," this spring semester. First session: Prelim Exam workshop on Monday, Feb. 21.

The department is pleased to announce the new series for grad students, "The Work of American Studies," this spring semester. Workshops in this series, held bimonthly, will focus on your work as
graduate students, academics, and teachers, inside and outside the university. Examples of topics include milestones of graduate education, public presence, pursuing careers, and working inside and outside the academy. The first session in the series will be the Preliminary Portfolio Exam workshop on Monday, February 21, 3:30 - 5:00 p.m

The department is pleased to announce the new series for grad students, "The Work of American Studies," this spring semester. First session: Prelim Exam workshop on Monday, Feb. 21.
The department is pleased to announce the new series for grad
students, "The Work of American Studies," this spring semester.
Workshops in this series, held bimonthly, will focus on your work as
graduate students, academics, and teachers, inside and outside the
university. Examples of topics include milestones of graduate
education, public presence, pursuing careers, and working inside and
outside the academy.
The first session in the series will be the Preliminary Portfolio Exam
workshop on Monday, February 21, 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. in Scott Hall
Commons, room 105. This workshop will review fulfilling the
Preliminary Portfolio Exam requirement, provide guidance on preparing
for the exam, and compiling portfolio components. Panelists will
include Tracey Deutsch, Ben Wiggins and Melanie Steinman. Please
review the relevant sections of the handbook and come with your
questions. The most up to date version of the grad handbook can be
located online at
Next up in "The Work of American Studies" series will be a Job
Workshop held on Monday, April 18, 3:30pm-5:00pm in Scott Hall
Commons, room 105.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Upcoming Workshops Save the Dates

Graduate students: please save the date for two spring workshops lead by Tracey Deutsch, DGS. The first workshop will be on Preliminary Exams, and will be held on Monday, February 21st at 3:30 pm in the Commons. The second workshop will be on approaches to the job market and will be held on Monday, April 18th at 3:30 pm in the Commons. Look for more information in the digest next week.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Procedure for Requesting the use of American Studies Department Funds for Research and Conference Travel

Grad students are able to request the use of Department funds for research and conference travel on an on-going basis.

Procedure for Requesting the use of American Studies Department Funds for Research and Conference Travel
Dear Graduate Students,
All American Studies students are provided up to $1500 in department
Research and Conference Travel funding over the course of your
graduate career. Requests are limited to $500 per instance. Because
the funds are limited, you are encouraged to apply for outside sources
and to rely on this department funding only when you are unable to
secure outside funding. Good sources include conference organizations
and "best paper" competitions. The following is a list of several
University web sites with information about additional funding
You may request funding as soon as the criteria for each allocation
are met. The typical response time in which you will receive a reply
indicating whether or not your request has been approved is two weeks.
Note: Funds are distributed after the travel takes place in the form
of a reimbursement for specific expenses incurred.
Please review the specific processes below and contact Melanie
Steinman if you have any questions.
Tracey Deutsch
Director of Graduate Studies
Requesting Funds for Conference Travel
American Studies grad students in active status may request funding to
travel to scholarly conferences to present a research paper. We will
not provide funds for presenting the same paper at more than one
Criteria for conference travel funding:
• You are in good standing
• You have been accepted to present research at a conference
• Your total claim from the research and conference travel funds has
not exceeded $1500
To request conference travel funds, email Melanie Steinman,
stein196@umn.edu, with the following information:
• Student ID# and name of adviser(s)
• Proof of acceptance to present at conference
• Paper title and conference name, date, and location (if not
indicated on proof of acceptance)
• Amount requested (not to exceed $500) with detailed budget proposal
Please note, we prefer, as proof of acceptance, a PDF of the
conference program page showing the session in which you will
participating. However, a forwarded email from the conference
organizers or hard copy acceptance letter will also suffice.
Requesting Funds for Research Travel
American Studies grad students in active status may request funds to
cover expenses related to dissertation research. Covered expenses
include travel costs and reproduction of essential documents and
Criteria for research funding:
• You are in good standing
• You have successfully completed the preliminary portfolio exam
• Proposed research is clearly connected to dissertation
• Proposal clearly establishes a justification for research (e.g.
travel to an archive to investigate materials not otherwise available)
• Proposal sets out a sound research design
• Your total claim from the research and conference travel funds has
not exceeded $1500
To request research travel funds, email Melanie Steinman,
stein196@umn.edu, with the following information:
• Student ID# and name of adviser(s)
• One page description of your project, including title
• Up to a one page research proposal clearly describing in detail the
research you will undertake (be as specific as possible about the use
of archives, libraries, interviews, etc)
• Amount requested (not to exceed $500) with detailed budget proposal

Center for Writing's Student Writing Support program hiring graduate writing consultants (25-50% appointment). Applications accepted through March 4, 2011.

The Center for Writing's Student Writing Support program is now searching for graduate writing consultants (25-50% appointment) to begin work in Fall 2011. Applications will be accepted through March 4, 2011.

Center for Writing's Student Writing Support program hiring graduate writing consultants (25-50% appointment). Applications accepted through March 4, 2011.
The Center for Writing's Student Writing Support program is now searching for graduate writing consultants to begin work in Fall 2011.
Graduate Writing Consultants typically work for 10-20 hours per week (25-50% appointment).
Interested graduate students who meet the required qualifications (below) should apply online by visiting https://employment.umn.edu/applicants/jsp/shared/Welcome_css.jsp and searching for requisition number 170327. Applications will be accepted through March 4, 2011.

Imagining America Call for Participation

Imagining America (IA) invites higher education affiliates (faculty, students, staff, and administrators) and community partners (individuals and organizations) to participate in our twelfth annual national conference, September 22-24, 2011, in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, co-hosted by Macalester College and the University of Minnesota. Through the theme of this year's conference, "What Sustains Us?" we will convene conversations, collaborations, and actions about a central issue of our time - sustainability. Submission deadline: April 4, 2011.

Imagining America Call for Participation
Click link below for more detail:

Council on Library Information Resources (CLIR) Fellowship

The Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) is now accepting applications for a new fellowship award, in an amount up to $25,000, to support original source dissertation research in the humanities or related social sciences in the Preservation Research and Testing Division of the
Preservation Directorate at the Library of Congress in Washington, DC. Application deadline: March 11, 2011.

Council on Library Information Resources (CLIR) Fellowship
The Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) announces a
new fellowship award, in an amount up to $25,000, to support original
source dissertation research in the humanities or related social
sciences in the Preservation Research and Testing Division of the
Preservation Directorate at the Library of Congress in Washington, DC.
The fellowship is offered as part of CLIR's long-established Mellon
Fellowship program and is funded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
CLIR seeks proposals from applicants whose dissertation projects will
benefit from the opportunity to examine primary sources using an array
of new technologies and equipment available at the Library of
New technologies and methods of analysis used in preserving original
sources, such as hyperspectral imaging, environmental scanning
electron microscopy, and handheld x-ray fluorescence analyzers, use
new forms of non-destructive or direct examination to enable new
interpretations of those sources. Applicants should explain how they
propose to use new technologies, sophisticated analysis, or
restoration methods to reveal content and properties of original
sources to elicit new interpretations.
The fellow will work onsite with professional staff in the
Preservation Research and Testing Division. A mentor from the Division
will work closely with the fellow, as well as the fellow's
dissertation advisor(s) and other professors at the fellow's home
institution, to ensure that the fellow receives the training and
support needed to successfully complete the full year of research.
All application materials must be submitted following CLIR's
application guidelines no later than 5:00 p.m. Eastern time on Friday,
March 11, 2011. The fellowship award will be announced by May 1, 2011.
Fellowship tenure will begin between June 1 and September 1, 2011, and
end within 12 months of commencing.
Details on the fellowship and links to the online application form are
available at http://www.clir.org/fellowships/mellon/preservation.html

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Islam and the Humanities Conference at the University of Minnesota

The Religious Studies Program at the University of Minnesota and The National Endowment for the Humanities is pleased to present the conference, "Shared Cultural Spaces: Islam and the West in the Arts and Sciences", February 24-26th. This conference is free and open to the public.

Islam and the Humanities Conference at the University of Minnesota
This semester the Religious Studies Program at the University of Minnesota, with generous funding from the NEH and in partnership with several on-campus units, regional educational institutions, and community organizations, will present a conference examining Islamic contributions to the humanities.
The conference, titled Shared Cultural Spaces: Islam and the West in the Arts and Sciences," and scheduled for February 24-26, will bring to campus several scholars from around the United States to examine such topics as Sufism, Science, Architecture, Art and Global Technology. Wadad Kadi and Anouar Majid will deliver keynote addresses.
The centerpiece of the conference will be the international debut of a dramatization of *Hayy Ibn Yaqzan*, a 12th-century philosophical novel that in the early 18th century inspired Daniel Defoe's *Robinson Crusoe*. The play, titled *Journey* and written and directed by New York-based director Mohammad Ghaffari with music by internationally known Yukio Tsuji, will be presented on all three evenings of the conference.
See attachments below for details on sessions and speakers:
Shared Cultural Spaces Sessions and Speakers.pdf

Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship (DDF) Application Internal Deadline: March 2, 2011

Grad School's Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship (DDF), which includes a $22,500 stipend, is intended to give the most accomplished final-year PhD candidates, typically those entering their final year or two years of graduate study, an opportunity to complete the dissertation within the 2011-12 academic year. It is expected that Fellows will graduate by the end of spring 2012, but not later than the end of fall 2012. To be considered for nomination by the department, submit your application materials to Melanie (stein196@umn.edu) by the department's internal deadline of March 2, 2011.

Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship (DDF) Application Internal Deadline: March 2, 2011
The Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship (DDF) program is intended to give the most accomplished final-year Ph.D. candidates an opportunity to complete the dissertation within the 2011-12 academic year by devoting full-time effort to research and writing. The award includes a stipend of $22,500 for the academic year beginning September 2011, academic-year tuition for up to 14 thesis credits each semester, and subsidized health insurance through the graduate assistant plan. Summer 2012 health insurance will be included for those who remain eligible.
To be considered for nomination by the department, submit your application materials to Melanie by the American Studies department internal deadline of March 2, 2011. Please note: If you are submitting an application but are outside of the guidelines of eligibility, please provide the department with a statement of explanation.
Click here for the Graduate School's complete program and eligibility information and instructions:

Spring Deadline for Thesis Research Grants: Tuesday, March 1, 2011 at noon.

The Graduate School's thesis research grant competition is open to doctoral students who have passed the oral preliminary examination by the application deadline. Grants of up to $2,500 are available to support domestic thesis research and grants of up to $5,000 are available to conduct international thesis research. Application deadline: Tuesday, March 1, 2011 at noon.

Spring Deadline for Thesis Research Grants: Tuesday, March 1, 2011 at noon.
The Graduate School's spring deadline for thesis research grants is
March 1, 2011 at noon. The competition is open to doctoral students
who have passed the oral preliminary examination by the application
deadline. Grants of up to $2,500 are available to support thesis
research, such as domestic travel and expenses for fieldwork, postage,
and photocopying. Grants of up to $5,000 are available to conduct
thesis research abroad for six weeks to six months. (Grant requests
for shorter trips may be considered, by exception, if well justified).
Applications do not need to be approved by the department (although we
would appreciate a copy of the application) but do require two letters
of recommendation.
For complete application instructions, please click here:

The School for Advanced Study, University of London Visiting Fellowship-Extended Deadline February 28th

The School for Advanced Study, University of London has extended their deadline for submission to February 28, 2011 for a Visiting Fellowship in the humanities and social sciences. Applications for 2011-12 are now invited from scholars (at least ten years from their PhD) wishing to pursue research in London in any of the areas covered by the School. The Fellowship is tenable for up to six consecutive months between September 2011 and June 2012. The Fellowship offers an allowance towards travel, accommodation and research costs up to a determined maximum.

The School for Advanced St
See link below for more detail:

Feminist Studies Publication Seeking Poetry and Fiction Submissions

Feminist Studies is seeking poetry and fiction for a special issue on transgender and the intersections of race/ethnicity/nation. In addition to scholarly work, the issue will include an art essay about South African photographer Zanele Muholi's work representing gender variance in South Africa. Please send work for the Trans Issue by April 1, 2011.

Feminist Studies Publication Seeking Poetry and Fiction Submissions

See link below for more detail:

"Pharmaceutical Alliances and the Politics of Prescription Drug Reform in Post-War America", February 4th, 2011

"Pharmaceutical Alliances and the Politics of Prescription Drug Reform in Post-War America", will be presented by Dominique Tobell, PhD & Assistant Professor from the University of Minnesota, on Friday, February 4th from 12:15-1:30 p.m. in 1-450 Moos Tower. This event is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be provided.

"Pharmaceutical Alliances and the Politics of Prescription Drug Reform in Post-War America", February 4th, 2011
See attachment below for more detail:
View image