Please submit receipts for all September PCard purchases to Laura by Monday, October 3rd.
click herefor a generic coversheet to submit with your receipts.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Schneider-Mayerson's Article in Radical History Review
Current graduate student, Matthew Schneider-Mayerson's article "The Dan Brown Phenomenon: Conspiracism in Post-9/11 Popular Fiction" was published in the Radical History Review Volume 2011, Number 111. Click here for an abstract.
NYU Tenure-track Assistant Professor in Asian American, Pacific World, or Asian/Pacific Diaspora Studies
The Department of Social and Cultural Analysis at New York University announces a tenure-track, Assistant Professor position in Asian American, Pacific World, or Asian/Pacific Diaspora Studies. The appointment will begin on September 1, 2012. Candidates should hold a PhD in social science, humanities or interdisciplinary studies. The committee will begin reviewing applications on October 15, 2011, continuing until position is filled
Social and Cultural Analysis is an interdisciplinary department committed to developing innovative, transregional approaches in urbanism, migration, critical ethnic studies, gender and sexuality, ecology, and economic life. The Department has degree programs in Social and Cultural Analysis, Metropolitan Studies, Asian/Pacific/American Studies, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Latino Studies, Africana Studies and American Studies. The department welcomes comparative and historical approaches and encourages innovative teaching.
To apply, see the NYU Department of Social and Cultural Analysis website Instructions can be found under the homepage link "Employment Opportunities
Social and Cultural Analysis is an interdisciplinary department committed to developing innovative, transregional approaches in urbanism, migration, critical ethnic studies, gender and sexuality, ecology, and economic life. The Department has degree programs in Social and Cultural Analysis, Metropolitan Studies, Asian/Pacific/American Studies, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Latino Studies, Africana Studies and American Studies. The department welcomes comparative and historical approaches and encourages innovative teaching.
To apply, see the NYU Department of Social and Cultural Analysis website Instructions can be found under the homepage link "Employment Opportunities
Tenure-track Assistant Professor in American Religion at Stanford University
The Religious Studies Department and the Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity at Stanford University invites applications for a tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor in the field of American Religion with a focus on ethnicity and race. Candidates must have completed their PhD by August 31, 2012. Application deadline: October 3, 2011.
In particular, the search is seeking a scholar whose work centers on the study of religious traditions, practices, and institutions among ethnic and racial groups in the United States. A successful candidate will be expected to contribute to one or more of the department's current areas of strength and to teach and advise students at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.
Appointment will start on September 1, 2012. Courses will include broad surveys introducing students to the study of religion in America and at least two courses that will focus on race, ethnicity, and religion developed in cooperation with the Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity. The person appointed will be expected to interact with faculty and students who work in a variety of fields and methodologies both in Religious Studies and in the Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity. Candidates must have completed their Ph.D. by August 31, 2012.
Please send a letter of application and your dossier, which should include a CV, a statement of research and teaching interests, any available evidence of teaching ability, three confidential letters of recommendation, and a short writing sample to:
American Religion Search Committee
Dept. of Religious Studies, Bldg. 70
450 Serra mall
Stanford, CA
Most of the preliminary interviews will be held between 10/19 and 10/22 at the AAR. Applications received by October 3, 2011 will be assured of consideration.
Stanford University is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty. It welcomes nominations of, and applications from, women and minority groups, as well as others who would bring additional dimensions to the university's research and teaching missions.
In particular, the search is seeking a scholar whose work centers on the study of religious traditions, practices, and institutions among ethnic and racial groups in the United States. A successful candidate will be expected to contribute to one or more of the department's current areas of strength and to teach and advise students at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.
Appointment will start on September 1, 2012. Courses will include broad surveys introducing students to the study of religion in America and at least two courses that will focus on race, ethnicity, and religion developed in cooperation with the Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity. The person appointed will be expected to interact with faculty and students who work in a variety of fields and methodologies both in Religious Studies and in the Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity. Candidates must have completed their Ph.D. by August 31, 2012.
Please send a letter of application and your dossier, which should include a CV, a statement of research and teaching interests, any available evidence of teaching ability, three confidential letters of recommendation, and a short writing sample to:
American Religion Search Committee
Dept. of Religious Studies, Bldg. 70
450 Serra mall
Stanford, CA
Most of the preliminary interviews will be held between 10/19 and 10/22 at the AAR. Applications received by October 3, 2011 will be assured of consideration.
Stanford University is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty. It welcomes nominations of, and applications from, women and minority groups, as well as others who would bring additional dimensions to the university's research and teaching missions.
CFP: "NAACS@40: Celebrating Scholarship and Activism"
The National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies invites submissions for their 40th anniversary celebration "NACCS@40: Celebrating Scholarship and Activism". The conference will be held March 14-17, 2012 in Chicago, IL. Submission deadline: October 15, 2011.
Many important events happened in 1972: the beginning of the Farah Strike, the release of Rudolfo Anaya's Bless me Ultima, and Chicanas issued their Party Platform at La Raza Unida Party's first national political convention. The National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies was also founded in 1972 as an essential branch of the Chicana/Chicano Civil Rights Movement. NACCS was formed at the Southwestern Social Science Association meeting in San Antonio, Texas. Since 1972, NACCS has undergone many important changes, evolving into an organization that represents Chicana/Chicano issues in myriad ways, through scholarship, publications, meetings, awards, artistic expressions, political action, and community service.
NACCS is unique among academic organizations in that it reflects the field's mission of connecting scholars to service, university to community, ideas to expression in words, images, and action. For the 40th anniversary of NACCS, we call for submissions on Chicana/Chicano Studies in all its beauty and strength. The contemporary challenges to Chicana/Chicano Studies have been intense not only in Arizona, but in many states across the country, challenging Chicana/Chicano equality and inclusion in the very fabric of society. It is important at this moment to celebrate NACCS' work to revitalize us as teachers, scholars, activists, and artists. The road ahead presents challenges and opportunities, progressive action, not solely defensive protection of previous gains.
On this 40th anniversary year, we return to Chicago, in the heart of the Chicana/Chicano Midwest, home of historic Mexican communities for over a century. Chicano Studies programs and Departments in the Midwest Foco will also be celebrating their 40th anniversary year with NACCS. Don't miss this opportunity to visit Aztlan del Norte and share your experience and vision with us as we move into the next 40 years.
Many important events happened in 1972: the beginning of the Farah Strike, the release of Rudolfo Anaya's Bless me Ultima, and Chicanas issued their Party Platform at La Raza Unida Party's first national political convention. The National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies was also founded in 1972 as an essential branch of the Chicana/Chicano Civil Rights Movement. NACCS was formed at the Southwestern Social Science Association meeting in San Antonio, Texas. Since 1972, NACCS has undergone many important changes, evolving into an organization that represents Chicana/Chicano issues in myriad ways, through scholarship, publications, meetings, awards, artistic expressions, political action, and community service.
NACCS is unique among academic organizations in that it reflects the field's mission of connecting scholars to service, university to community, ideas to expression in words, images, and action. For the 40th anniversary of NACCS, we call for submissions on Chicana/Chicano Studies in all its beauty and strength. The contemporary challenges to Chicana/Chicano Studies have been intense not only in Arizona, but in many states across the country, challenging Chicana/Chicano equality and inclusion in the very fabric of society. It is important at this moment to celebrate NACCS' work to revitalize us as teachers, scholars, activists, and artists. The road ahead presents challenges and opportunities, progressive action, not solely defensive protection of previous gains.
On this 40th anniversary year, we return to Chicago, in the heart of the Chicana/Chicano Midwest, home of historic Mexican communities for over a century. Chicano Studies programs and Departments in the Midwest Foco will also be celebrating their 40th anniversary year with NACCS. Don't miss this opportunity to visit Aztlan del Norte and share your experience and vision with us as we move into the next 40 years.
Conferences & Calls for Papers
CFP: "Petrocultures: Oil, Energy, Culture" October 15th Deadline
Submissions are invited the "Petrocultures: Oil, Energy, Culture" conference to be held September 6-8th, 2012 at the University of Alberta. Petrocultures will bring together scholars, writers, filmmakers and artists from around the world who are engaged in an exploration of the social and cultural dimensions and impacts of oil and energy. Submission deadline: October 15, 2011.
Funding available for students. Please contact us directly, if you have eligible students
or if you are an interested student.
Call for Paper, Panel and/or Workshop Proposals
Petrocultures : Oil, Energy, Culture
University of Alberta: September 6-8th, 2012
Research Trip to Fort McMurray Alberta: 9-11th, 2012
The "Petrocultures: Oil, Energy, Culture" conference will take place on September 6 - 8th, 2012, at the University of Alberta (Edmonton, Canada). Keynote speakers include Allan Stoekl (Penn State University), Warren Cariou (University of Manitoba) and Ursula Biemann (video artist, Switzerland).
Petrocultures will bring together scholars, writers, filmmakers and artists from around the world who are engaged in an exploration of the social and cultural dimensions and impacts of oil and energy. The conference will examine and (re)assess how energy has been and remains an intrinsic part of socio-political life and cultural productivity, with a focus on two areas of research:
1) How does our understanding of socio-cultural objects, events and phenomena change if we frame an analysis of them explicitly in relation to oil (and energy more generally)? What insights would we gain across the disciplines from such a theoretical/methodological maneuver? For instance, what might happen if we frame cultural and intellectual periods (as we do in the study of literature) not in terms of movements (e.g., modernism), nations (British modernism), or centuries (18th, 19th, 20th...), but in relation to dominant forms of energy at any given moment?
2) How do energy resources that fuel the exploitation of the environment impact not only everyday life but also the form and content of its representation? What is the potential of these cultural representations produced through multiple technologies of publication and artistic/communicative production (e.g., art, film, literature), to rupture and/or change the ways in which we live with and relate to oil?
We invite papers, panels and workshop proposals that take up the above questions as well as contributions that address any of the wide range of topics related to petrocultures:
‚óè labour in petrocultures (influx of temporary foreign workers, transient labour forces, the rights or lack thereof of labour, etc.)
‚óè the composition of communities in historical and contemporary oil economies
‚óè education in energy societies
‚óè health (sex, drugs, addiction)
‚óè the intersection of cultural and environmental issues (resource management, water and oil, etc.)
‚óè Aboriginal cultures and societies (land and mineral rights, community safety, race in petrocultures, etc.)
‚óè gender issues and women's rights in male dominated labour markets
‚óè politics and social-political life in petro-states
‚óè and the impacts of all of these issues on forms of cultural production (art, literature, film, etc.) that attempt to represent and address the socio-cultural realities of living alongside oil technologies.
Papers will be accepted based on the merit of the proposed study, originality of approach, and fit with the aims and theme of the conference. Graduate students are especially encouraged to apply. Please indicate when you submit your abstract whether you are interested in also participating (at your own cost) in a three day excursion on (September 9th- 11th) to Northern Alberta to tour the oil/tar sands. A selection of papers and presentations from the 2012 conference will be published in an edited collection on Petrocultures by McGill-Queen's University Press.
Deadline for submission: October 15, 2011. Decisions will be announced by December 1st, 2011. Please send all proposals to: (c/o Imre Szeman and Sheena Wilson)
Types of submissions:
· 15-20 minute individual presentation: conference paper.
· 45-60 minute panel/roundtable (3-4 presenters).
· 90-minute workshop (hands-on learning, interactive): Interactive sessions that encourage participant involvement. These workshops can be focused on generating discussion and recording ideas on specific subjects and themes. These workshops can also encourage creative responses to oil and energy (e.g., through a writing workshop, a visual arts workshop etc. )
Propose an individual paper: Please send a 250 word abstract and a 100 word biography, as well as your contact information.
Propose a Panel: Please send a 250 word abstract for the panel, with a descriptive title for each presentation, and a 50 word bio and contact information for all members of the panel. When submitting the proposal, please copy it to all panel-participants to facilitate future correspondences.
Propose a Workshop: The Petrocultures conference will be the ideal venue for exploring theoretical and practical approaches to oil and energy in culture. If you would like to lead a workshop session either independently or with other presenters, please submit a 250 word abstract for the workshop, with a 100-word bio for all workshop leaders.
September 9th -11th : Following the three-day academic conference, there is an optional research trip being organized to Ft. McMurray in Northern Alberta.
Petrocultures is supported through funding from the Kule Institute for Advanced Study (University of Alberta), The Alberta Institute for American Studies, Campus Saint Jean (University of Alberta), and the Canada Research Chair in Cultural Studies.
Funding available for students. Please contact us directly, if you have eligible students
or if you are an interested student.
Call for Paper, Panel and/or Workshop Proposals
Petrocultures : Oil, Energy, Culture
University of Alberta: September 6-8th, 2012
Research Trip to Fort McMurray Alberta: 9-11th, 2012
The "Petrocultures: Oil, Energy, Culture" conference will take place on September 6 - 8th, 2012, at the University of Alberta (Edmonton, Canada). Keynote speakers include Allan Stoekl (Penn State University), Warren Cariou (University of Manitoba) and Ursula Biemann (video artist, Switzerland).
Petrocultures will bring together scholars, writers, filmmakers and artists from around the world who are engaged in an exploration of the social and cultural dimensions and impacts of oil and energy. The conference will examine and (re)assess how energy has been and remains an intrinsic part of socio-political life and cultural productivity, with a focus on two areas of research:
1) How does our understanding of socio-cultural objects, events and phenomena change if we frame an analysis of them explicitly in relation to oil (and energy more generally)? What insights would we gain across the disciplines from such a theoretical/methodological maneuver? For instance, what might happen if we frame cultural and intellectual periods (as we do in the study of literature) not in terms of movements (e.g., modernism), nations (British modernism), or centuries (18th, 19th, 20th...), but in relation to dominant forms of energy at any given moment?
2) How do energy resources that fuel the exploitation of the environment impact not only everyday life but also the form and content of its representation? What is the potential of these cultural representations produced through multiple technologies of publication and artistic/communicative production (e.g., art, film, literature), to rupture and/or change the ways in which we live with and relate to oil?
We invite papers, panels and workshop proposals that take up the above questions as well as contributions that address any of the wide range of topics related to petrocultures:
‚óè labour in petrocultures (influx of temporary foreign workers, transient labour forces, the rights or lack thereof of labour, etc.)
‚óè the composition of communities in historical and contemporary oil economies
‚óè education in energy societies
‚óè health (sex, drugs, addiction)
‚óè the intersection of cultural and environmental issues (resource management, water and oil, etc.)
‚óè Aboriginal cultures and societies (land and mineral rights, community safety, race in petrocultures, etc.)
‚óè gender issues and women's rights in male dominated labour markets
‚óè politics and social-political life in petro-states
‚óè and the impacts of all of these issues on forms of cultural production (art, literature, film, etc.) that attempt to represent and address the socio-cultural realities of living alongside oil technologies.
Papers will be accepted based on the merit of the proposed study, originality of approach, and fit with the aims and theme of the conference. Graduate students are especially encouraged to apply. Please indicate when you submit your abstract whether you are interested in also participating (at your own cost) in a three day excursion on (September 9th- 11th) to Northern Alberta to tour the oil/tar sands. A selection of papers and presentations from the 2012 conference will be published in an edited collection on Petrocultures by McGill-Queen's University Press.
Deadline for submission: October 15, 2011. Decisions will be announced by December 1st, 2011. Please send all proposals to: (c/o Imre Szeman and Sheena Wilson)
Types of submissions:
· 15-20 minute individual presentation: conference paper.
· 45-60 minute panel/roundtable (3-4 presenters).
· 90-minute workshop (hands-on learning, interactive): Interactive sessions that encourage participant involvement. These workshops can be focused on generating discussion and recording ideas on specific subjects and themes. These workshops can also encourage creative responses to oil and energy (e.g., through a writing workshop, a visual arts workshop etc. )
Propose an individual paper: Please send a 250 word abstract and a 100 word biography, as well as your contact information.
Propose a Panel: Please send a 250 word abstract for the panel, with a descriptive title for each presentation, and a 50 word bio and contact information for all members of the panel. When submitting the proposal, please copy it to all panel-participants to facilitate future correspondences.
Propose a Workshop: The Petrocultures conference will be the ideal venue for exploring theoretical and practical approaches to oil and energy in culture. If you would like to lead a workshop session either independently or with other presenters, please submit a 250 word abstract for the workshop, with a 100-word bio for all workshop leaders.
September 9th -11th : Following the three-day academic conference, there is an optional research trip being organized to Ft. McMurray in Northern Alberta.
Petrocultures is supported through funding from the Kule Institute for Advanced Study (University of Alberta), The Alberta Institute for American Studies, Campus Saint Jean (University of Alberta), and the Canada Research Chair in Cultural Studies.
Conferences & Calls for Papers
Friday, September 23, 2011
Joseph J. Kwiat Award for Best Conference Paper Presented at ASA. Application Deadline: October 3rd
The American Studies department announces the Joseph J. Kwiat annual award for the best conference paper presented by a University of Minnesota American Studies grad student at the American Studies Association annual meeting. This award was established to recognize Joseph J. Kwiat who was one of the three major figures in shaping and teaching in the Department of American Studies.
Students who have had papers accepted for the 2011 annual meeting may apply. This award is for up to $500 for travel expenses to attend the ASA annual meeting. The funds will be distributed in the form of an expense reimbursement. To apply, submit a copy of your ASA conference paper to Melanie at by Monday, October 3, 2011. Applicants will be notified of results shortly before the ASA conference.
Students who apply for this award are also encouraged to apply for the ASA's Gene Wise - Warren Susman Prize (application deadline of October 1). Please click here for more information
Students who have had papers accepted for the 2011 annual meeting may apply. This award is for up to $500 for travel expenses to attend the ASA annual meeting. The funds will be distributed in the form of an expense reimbursement. To apply, submit a copy of your ASA conference paper to Melanie at by Monday, October 3, 2011. Applicants will be notified of results shortly before the ASA conference.
Students who apply for this award are also encouraged to apply for the ASA's Gene Wise - Warren Susman Prize (application deadline of October 1). Please click here for more information
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Miles Awarded 2011 MacArthur "Genius Grant"
TIYA MILES, PhD '00, was named a recipient of the 2011 MacArthur Fellows "Genius grant" by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. In naming Miles a fellow, the foundation recognizes her work as a "public historian who explores the complex interrelationships between African and Cherokee people living and working in colonial America." Miles is a professor of history at the University of Michigan. The Department of American Studies warmly congratulates Tiya on this much deserved distinction. For the complete story and a web clip please click here.
Visiting Scholars for 2011-12
American Studies has two visiting scholars in residence for the 2011-12 year. Henning Gartner is a Fulbright scholar visiting for the year, and Thea Petchler is an Assistant Professor at Art Center College of Design, here for the on sabbatical. Please extend a welcome to them at the potluck on the 26th.
Henning Gärtner works as a writer and critic for various media in Norway. He holds a BA in art history and an MA in comparative literature from the University of Oslo, and is planning to do his PhD on modern extremism in literature. He has worked around the world on different theater and performance projects, and also writes fiction.
After writing about television and its critics, Thea Petchler has returned to the topic she identified in her application to the AmSt program all those years ago. She shouldn't be surprised at how things come full circle, but she is. While her original interest was in artists, her current work asks: When and how did creativity become a common-sense value in the contemporary U.S.? How is the process central to making art supposed to improve us as citizens and as workers?
Henning Gärtner works as a writer and critic for various media in Norway. He holds a BA in art history and an MA in comparative literature from the University of Oslo, and is planning to do his PhD on modern extremism in literature. He has worked around the world on different theater and performance projects, and also writes fiction.
After writing about television and its critics, Thea Petchler has returned to the topic she identified in her application to the AmSt program all those years ago. She shouldn't be surprised at how things come full circle, but she is. While her original interest was in artists, her current work asks: When and how did creativity become a common-sense value in the contemporary U.S.? How is the process central to making art supposed to improve us as citizens and as workers?
Teaching Opportunity for Spring 2012 at Macalester College
The International Studies Department at Macalester College is looking to staff one to three courses, either individually or as a cluster for the Spring 2012 semester. They would like rich, engaging, midlevel courses treating some aspect of trans-national or cross-border life, past or present. These courses can be in any field of the humanities or social sciences, and do not need to replicate courses already in their curriculum. The position(s) would be well suited for advanced PhD students or recent PhDs. Spring semester begins on January 23rd, 2012, and ends May 10th. Application deadline: October 15, 2011.
Spring Semester 2012 Teaching Opportunity
Discipline, Period, and Geography Open
International Studies Department, Macalester College, St. Paul MN
The innovative, interdisciplinary International Studies department at Macalester College has received funding to staff one to three courses (eitherindividually or as a cluster) in spring 2012; the position(s) would be well suited for advanced PhD students or recent PhDs.
Our department's curriculum ranges across disciplines, geographies, and historical periods. Our eight core faculty have degrees in seven distinct fields. Some flavor may be gained from looking at
Due to faculty leaves, for spring 2012 we have a generalized need for one to three rich, engaging midlevel courses treating some aspect of trans-national or cross-border life, past or present. These could be in any field of the humanities or social sciences, and do not need to replicate courses already in our curriculum. They should reflect more than one disciplinary perspective, and be sufficiently broad to attract keen student interest. We have preference but not a requirement for candidates offering coverage in the Latin American, South Asian, East Asian, Indian Ocean, and/or Ottoman and post-Ottoman zones, alone or in dialogue with other geographies.
Colleagues who teach on a per-course basis with us will meet with modest class size, well prepared and motivated students, a warm departmental welcome, and support in the craft of teaching. Compensation would be roughly $5,000 per course. Our spring semester starts on January 23rd, 2012, and ends May 10th.
Those interested should send a cover letter (which may be in the body of an email), one (or more) syllabi or course proposals, and a CV, to As a courtesy, please give your attachmentsfilenames according to the following pattern: "app2012-yourlastname-syllabus"for the syllabus, and "app2012-yourlastname-CV" for your CV.
We hope to complete this search by October 15, 2011, but will receive applications at any time.
Spring Semester 2012 Teaching Opportunity
Discipline, Period, and Geography Open
International Studies Department, Macalester College, St. Paul MN
The innovative, interdisciplinary International Studies department at Macalester College has received funding to staff one to three courses (eitherindividually or as a cluster) in spring 2012; the position(s) would be well suited for advanced PhD students or recent PhDs.
Our department's curriculum ranges across disciplines, geographies, and historical periods. Our eight core faculty have degrees in seven distinct fields. Some flavor may be gained from looking at
Due to faculty leaves, for spring 2012 we have a generalized need for one to three rich, engaging midlevel courses treating some aspect of trans-national or cross-border life, past or present. These could be in any field of the humanities or social sciences, and do not need to replicate courses already in our curriculum. They should reflect more than one disciplinary perspective, and be sufficiently broad to attract keen student interest. We have preference but not a requirement for candidates offering coverage in the Latin American, South Asian, East Asian, Indian Ocean, and/or Ottoman and post-Ottoman zones, alone or in dialogue with other geographies.
Colleagues who teach on a per-course basis with us will meet with modest class size, well prepared and motivated students, a warm departmental welcome, and support in the craft of teaching. Compensation would be roughly $5,000 per course. Our spring semester starts on January 23rd, 2012, and ends May 10th.
Those interested should send a cover letter (which may be in the body of an email), one (or more) syllabi or course proposals, and a CV, to As a courtesy, please give your attachmentsfilenames according to the following pattern: "app2012-yourlastname-syllabus"for the syllabus, and "app2012-yourlastname-CV" for your CV.
We hope to complete this search by October 15, 2011, but will receive applications at any time.
"Accessorizing the Body" co-editor Prof. Paula Rabinowitz presentation, Sept. 23rd 3:30pm
Join the Department of English in marking the publication of Prof. Paula Rabinowitz's Accessorizing the Body, the first of four in the Habits of Being series she's co-editing with Cristina Giorcelli (University of Minnesota Press). On Monday, September 26 at 3:30pm in 207A Lind Hall, Professor Rabinowitz will present an overview followed by presentations from series contributers Professor of English Maria Damon and Regents Professor Emerita Joanne B. Eicher of the Department of Design, Housing, and Apparel.
The book charts the social, cultural, and political expression of clothing, dress, and accessories to decipher how materials offer meanings. All welcome. Refreshments.
Accessorizing the Body event flyer.pdf for an event flyer.
The book charts the social, cultural, and political expression of clothing, dress, and accessories to decipher how materials offer meanings. All welcome. Refreshments.
Accessorizing the Body event flyer.pdf for an event flyer.
Lectures & Events
Prof. Howard Bunsis's talk "Is There Really a Financial Crisis at the University of Minnesota" Friday 10/7/11
The University of Minnesota's chapter of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) invites its members of the University community and the public to Dr. Howard Bunsis's presentation "Is There Really a Financial Crisis at the University of Minnesota?" on Friday, October 7 from 12-2pm at the Campus Club. Professor Bunsis, a professor of accounting at Eastern Michigan University and the Secretary-Treasurer for the National AAUP Council, has prepared a full financial analysis of the University of Minnesota, including a discussion of the Minnesota State appropriation and the State's political situation as it relates to the University, which will be the basis for his presentation.
Dr. Bunsis' presentation, addressing the topic, "Is There Really a Financial Crisis at the University of Minnesota?" will be in Rooms A, B, & C in the Campus Club, from Noon to 2 on Friday, October 7.
Professor Bunsis has prepared a full financial analysis of the University of Minnesota, including a discussion of the Minnesota State appropriation and the State's political situation as it relates to the University, which will be the basis for his presentation. He has performed similar analyses for universities across the country with the aim of helping faculty to urge administrators to "open up their books" before making decisions to cut programs or faculty salaries. Following the open meeting, Professor Bunsis will be meeting with the University of Minnesota Senate Committee on Finance and Planning to discuss his report.
Lunch is available for purchase at the Campus Club adjacent to the meeting rooms. Coffee will be provided free of charge for the meeting with Dr. Bunsis. Parking is available at the East River Garage on the East Bank of the University of Minnesota.
For more information, please contact AAUP Secretary, William O. Beeman (612) 624-8990.
Dr. Bunsis received Eastern Michigan University's Distinguished Faculty Teaching Award in 2002. As an attorney, he has focused on legal issues pertaining to the area of pension and postretirement benefits, topics he is able to bring to the students in his courses. He has done research on the relation between accounting numbers and stock prices and presented at national accounting conferences, research workshops at several universities, and professional conferences, including the Michigan Association of CPAs. Dr. Bunsis is the President of the Eastern Michigan chapter of the American Association of University Professors and has served as EMU's NCAA Faculty Representative.
Dr. Bunsis' presentation, addressing the topic, "Is There Really a Financial Crisis at the University of Minnesota?" will be in Rooms A, B, & C in the Campus Club, from Noon to 2 on Friday, October 7.
Professor Bunsis has prepared a full financial analysis of the University of Minnesota, including a discussion of the Minnesota State appropriation and the State's political situation as it relates to the University, which will be the basis for his presentation. He has performed similar analyses for universities across the country with the aim of helping faculty to urge administrators to "open up their books" before making decisions to cut programs or faculty salaries. Following the open meeting, Professor Bunsis will be meeting with the University of Minnesota Senate Committee on Finance and Planning to discuss his report.
Lunch is available for purchase at the Campus Club adjacent to the meeting rooms. Coffee will be provided free of charge for the meeting with Dr. Bunsis. Parking is available at the East River Garage on the East Bank of the University of Minnesota.
For more information, please contact AAUP Secretary, William O. Beeman (612) 624-8990.
Dr. Bunsis received Eastern Michigan University's Distinguished Faculty Teaching Award in 2002. As an attorney, he has focused on legal issues pertaining to the area of pension and postretirement benefits, topics he is able to bring to the students in his courses. He has done research on the relation between accounting numbers and stock prices and presented at national accounting conferences, research workshops at several universities, and professional conferences, including the Michigan Association of CPAs. Dr. Bunsis is the President of the Eastern Michigan chapter of the American Association of University Professors and has served as EMU's NCAA Faculty Representative.
Lectures & Events
HMED Fall Lecture Series: Susan Lindee on September 26th 12:20pm
The Program in the History of Medicine announces the first presentation in its Fall Lunchtime Lecture Series, on Monday, September 26 from 12:20-1:10pm in 555 Diehl Hall. Susan Lindee, Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania, will present a Charles E. Culpeper Lecture, "Before the Gene: LeRoy Matthews and the Cleveland Comprehensive Treatment Program for Cystic Fibrosis, 1957-1961".
"Before the Gene: LeRoy Matthews and the Cleveland Comprehensive Treatment Program for Cystic Fibrosis, 1957-1961"
In only three years, between 1957 and 1960, the Cleveland Comprehensive Treatment Program for Cystic Fibrosis reduced annual mortality from 10 percent to 2 percent in CF patients being treated there. Early reports of its effects were so incredible that they were considered implausible by others treating CF. After an investigation sponsored by the U.S. Cystic Fibrosis Foundation in 1961 the protocol was introduced in the then 31 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Centers nationwide and annual mortality began to fall nationally. In modified form, the program developed in Cleveland in the late 1950s is still used in the 117 CF Centers in the United States today and in other CF clinics around the world.
The primary architect of this complex therapeutic protocol was LeRoy Matthews, a former radiation safety officer for Pacific bomb tests 1952-54 and former director of the Isotope and Endocrine Laboratory at the US Naval Hospital in San Diego. Lung failure is the most important cause of death in CF patients and Matthews attributed some of his key insights to his understanding of how inhaled radioactive materials moved through smaller airways in the lungs.
In this talk I explore LeRoy Matthews' work, life, and key role in the transformation of Cystic Fibrosis into an adult disease. I explore his struggle to develop the protocol, make it work, and to persuade other clinicians and researchers involved with CF that his results were legitimate--and particularly his ultimately unsuccessful promotion of mist tent therapy in which he passionately believed. Considering the practices that were developed at the Cleveland Cystic Fibrosis Center (which is now named after him, as is a major prize in CF research) I place the story of LeRoy Matthews and the Comprehensive Care Program in the broader context of post-war human genetics, including the legacies of eugenics and the potential of molecular genetics.
"Before the Gene: LeRoy Matthews and the Cleveland Comprehensive Treatment Program for Cystic Fibrosis, 1957-1961"
In only three years, between 1957 and 1960, the Cleveland Comprehensive Treatment Program for Cystic Fibrosis reduced annual mortality from 10 percent to 2 percent in CF patients being treated there. Early reports of its effects were so incredible that they were considered implausible by others treating CF. After an investigation sponsored by the U.S. Cystic Fibrosis Foundation in 1961 the protocol was introduced in the then 31 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Centers nationwide and annual mortality began to fall nationally. In modified form, the program developed in Cleveland in the late 1950s is still used in the 117 CF Centers in the United States today and in other CF clinics around the world.
The primary architect of this complex therapeutic protocol was LeRoy Matthews, a former radiation safety officer for Pacific bomb tests 1952-54 and former director of the Isotope and Endocrine Laboratory at the US Naval Hospital in San Diego. Lung failure is the most important cause of death in CF patients and Matthews attributed some of his key insights to his understanding of how inhaled radioactive materials moved through smaller airways in the lungs.
In this talk I explore LeRoy Matthews' work, life, and key role in the transformation of Cystic Fibrosis into an adult disease. I explore his struggle to develop the protocol, make it work, and to persuade other clinicians and researchers involved with CF that his results were legitimate--and particularly his ultimately unsuccessful promotion of mist tent therapy in which he passionately believed. Considering the practices that were developed at the Cleveland Cystic Fibrosis Center (which is now named after him, as is a major prize in CF research) I place the story of LeRoy Matthews and the Comprehensive Care Program in the broader context of post-war human genetics, including the legacies of eugenics and the potential of molecular genetics.
Lectures & Events
Chang Honored by American Studies Association
Professor David Chang, History, has received an Honorable Mention for the 2011 Lora Romero First Book Publication Prize of the American Studies Association for his book The Color of the Land: Race, Nation, and the Politics of Landownership in Oklahoma (University of North Carolina Press, 2010).
Hill's Article in Labor
Rebecca Hill, PhD '00, had her article "'The Common Enemy Is the Boss and the Inmate': Police and Prison Guard Unions in New York in the 1970s-1980s" published in Labor: Studies in Working-Class History of the Americas Volume 8, Number 3, Fall 2011.
Elaine Tyler May Panelist for "My Letter to the World" series
"My Letter to the World: Narrating Human Rights" is a day-long series of talks and panel discussions on the personal narrative voice and human rights. Among the presenters and panelists are CLA Winton Chair and novelist Nuruddin Farah and three Regents Professors including Prof. Elaine Tyler May. Events are free and open to the public, held on October 10th at Coffman Memorial Union. Click here for more info.
ASA Members: Call for Proposals for "Pacific Worlds: Empire, Environment and Embodiment"
ASA and the Japanese Association for American Studies (JAAS), with support from the Japan-United States Friendship Commission, are pleased to announce a competition open to ASA members. Two ASA delegates will be selected for participation in the annual JAAS conference "Pacific Worlds: Empire, Environment and Embodiment" to be held in June 2012. They invite proposals for papers to be presented at the JAAS conference and possible themes for the two-day pro-seminars. Application deadline: October 1, 2011.
Call for Proposals: Pacific Worlds: Empire, Environment and Embodiment
(Due October 1, 2011)
The American Studies Association (ASA) and the Japanese Association
for American Studies (JAAS), with support from the Japan-United States
Friendship Commission (JUFSC), are pleased to announce a competition
open to ASA members (U.S. citizens). We plan to select two ASA
delegates for participation in the annual JAAS conference to be held
in June 2012. We invite proposals for papers to be presented at the
JAAS conference and possible themes for the two-day pro-seminars. The
award covers round trip airfare to Japan, housing, and modest daily
The members of the ASA-JAAS Project Advisory Committee and the
International Committee of JAAS will choose the delegates by
collaborative assessment and selection. Two-day pro-seminars will be
held, most likely after the JAAS conference, which will enable JAAS
scholars to participate. Themes of the pro-seminars will follow from,
but not necessarily repeat the conference theme. The ASA delegates
will collaborate with the International Committee of JAAS in
finalizing the themes of the pro-seminars and will be responsible for
constructing the syllabi and assigning the readings. The pro-seminars
will be open to the entire range of JAAS members, from graduate
students (including those who may not yet be JAAS members) to senior
scholars. Under the proposed project, the ASA delegates will spend
two days at the JAAS conference, two days in their pro-seminars, plus
travel time, for a total of about a week.
Project Theme:
This is the first year of our new proposal for scholarly exchanges
between the American Studies Association (ASA) and the Japan
Association for American Studies (JAAS) covering the three-year
project period, 2012-2014.
The scholarly theme is Pacific Worlds: Empire, Environment,
Embodiment. Scholarship focused upon international and transnational
relationships faces the challenge of boundary drawing. When the
nation-state is no longer taken for granted as a unit of social and
cultural analysis, and the globe is identified as a horizon of
concern, the transnational risks becoming amorphous. Scholars of
region, and particularly of the Atlantic world, have long illuminated
ways of thinking transnational relations in relation to a delimited
set of flows and exchanges over time that shaped a common if unevenly
(and unequally) constituted social and historical experience among
statesmen, sailors, slaves and commoners. More recently, scholars have
started to map the Pacific world in similar ways, identifying specific
paths of commerce, military conflict, colonization and migration that
have defined the Pacific as a distinct place and region for
policy-makers, and empire-builders, soldiers, artists and writers,
peasants, workers and migrants.
We seek to consider some of the ways in which the Pacific Ocean has
been constituted as a transnational region across several centuries.
Most broadly, we are interested in exploring how forms of human
belonging and experience might be understood in regional terms that
exceed typically national, even comparative frames of reference. For
example, how have competing and at times complementary forms of
imperial ambition and material investment on the part of the US,
Japan, and other nations fashioned the Pacific as a region of common
interest, investment, desire, and (for some) dispossession? As
pressures of market activity, human energy and resource needs roil
this vast, shared oceanic environment, what forms of cooperative
knowledge and practice can sustain Pacific worlds (as well as other
fragile ecologies) into the future? Against doom saying prophecies of
a ?clash of civilizations,? how can regions shaped by overlapping
colonialisms and diasporas imagine new forms of regional membership,
linked fate, or even kinship?
Comparative Empire and the Making of the Pacific World (2012)
The first year of the project will encourage proposals that consider
the ramified ways in which the question of ?empire? is at the center
of inquiry into regional transnationalism in general and the formation
of the Pacific world in particular. The fact that our modernity has
been shaped by imperialism and colonialism is settled, but it
continues to generate exciting new scholarship across the disciplines.
Recent scholars of the cultures and politics of US imperialism within
American Studies have re-emphasized the centrality (and continuity) of
westward expansion and visions of Pacific dominion to the rise of US
globalism in the twentieth-century. Pacific worlds were key sites for
the development of transnational imperial networks, including policing
and security regimes, forms of agricultural, medical and scientific
knowledge, practice and experimentation. Commercial and military
exchange under imperial and colonial auspices did not preclude, and
often augmented rich forms of intellectual and political exchange,
cultural circulation and production. Often under austere conditions,
migrant workers were key carriers and translators of different worlds,
even as they met with exclusion in their new homes.
Application Procedures:
Each application should include a summary in 300 words of the proposed
paper to be presented at the JAAS annual meeting. Participants should
explain how the proposed paper contributes to a discussion of the
project theme in general, and more specifically to the 2012 conference
theme: Comparative Empire and the Making of the Pacific World.
Applicants should include a personal statement, no longer than two
pages, describing their interest in this project and the issues that
their own scholarship and teaching have addressed. Also, provide some
possible themes for leading the pro-seminars. Personal statements may
include comments on previous collaboration or work with non-U.S.
academics or students. Prior experience of work or travel in Japan is
not a requirement for selection, but if applicable, applicants may
comment on their particular interest in, or connections to, Japan. In
addition, applications should include a two-page curriculum vitae,
emphasizing teaching experience and major publications and the names
and addresses of three references. All applicants must be available to
travel for a weeklong period to Japan in June 2012; exact dates
required for travel will be forthcoming. Applicants must be current
members of the ASA and U.S. citizens, and must attend the ASA annual
meeting during the year in which they apply for the grant. Preference
will be given to scholars with teaching and research experience.
Application materials (including the 300 word paper summary, 2-page
personal statement, and 2-page vitae) should be combined into a single
document not to exceed six pages in length addressed to the ASA-JAAS
Project Advisory Committee. Submit the application document via
electronic mail message as a single Word, Word Perfect, or PDF
attachment before midnight (US DST) October 1, 2011, to See for additional info:
Call for Proposals: Pacific Worlds: Empire, Environment and Embodiment
(Due October 1, 2011)
The American Studies Association (ASA) and the Japanese Association
for American Studies (JAAS), with support from the Japan-United States
Friendship Commission (JUFSC), are pleased to announce a competition
open to ASA members (U.S. citizens). We plan to select two ASA
delegates for participation in the annual JAAS conference to be held
in June 2012. We invite proposals for papers to be presented at the
JAAS conference and possible themes for the two-day pro-seminars. The
award covers round trip airfare to Japan, housing, and modest daily
The members of the ASA-JAAS Project Advisory Committee and the
International Committee of JAAS will choose the delegates by
collaborative assessment and selection. Two-day pro-seminars will be
held, most likely after the JAAS conference, which will enable JAAS
scholars to participate. Themes of the pro-seminars will follow from,
but not necessarily repeat the conference theme. The ASA delegates
will collaborate with the International Committee of JAAS in
finalizing the themes of the pro-seminars and will be responsible for
constructing the syllabi and assigning the readings. The pro-seminars
will be open to the entire range of JAAS members, from graduate
students (including those who may not yet be JAAS members) to senior
scholars. Under the proposed project, the ASA delegates will spend
two days at the JAAS conference, two days in their pro-seminars, plus
travel time, for a total of about a week.
Project Theme:
This is the first year of our new proposal for scholarly exchanges
between the American Studies Association (ASA) and the Japan
Association for American Studies (JAAS) covering the three-year
project period, 2012-2014.
The scholarly theme is Pacific Worlds: Empire, Environment,
Embodiment. Scholarship focused upon international and transnational
relationships faces the challenge of boundary drawing. When the
nation-state is no longer taken for granted as a unit of social and
cultural analysis, and the globe is identified as a horizon of
concern, the transnational risks becoming amorphous. Scholars of
region, and particularly of the Atlantic world, have long illuminated
ways of thinking transnational relations in relation to a delimited
set of flows and exchanges over time that shaped a common if unevenly
(and unequally) constituted social and historical experience among
statesmen, sailors, slaves and commoners. More recently, scholars have
started to map the Pacific world in similar ways, identifying specific
paths of commerce, military conflict, colonization and migration that
have defined the Pacific as a distinct place and region for
policy-makers, and empire-builders, soldiers, artists and writers,
peasants, workers and migrants.
We seek to consider some of the ways in which the Pacific Ocean has
been constituted as a transnational region across several centuries.
Most broadly, we are interested in exploring how forms of human
belonging and experience might be understood in regional terms that
exceed typically national, even comparative frames of reference. For
example, how have competing and at times complementary forms of
imperial ambition and material investment on the part of the US,
Japan, and other nations fashioned the Pacific as a region of common
interest, investment, desire, and (for some) dispossession? As
pressures of market activity, human energy and resource needs roil
this vast, shared oceanic environment, what forms of cooperative
knowledge and practice can sustain Pacific worlds (as well as other
fragile ecologies) into the future? Against doom saying prophecies of
a ?clash of civilizations,? how can regions shaped by overlapping
colonialisms and diasporas imagine new forms of regional membership,
linked fate, or even kinship?
Comparative Empire and the Making of the Pacific World (2012)
The first year of the project will encourage proposals that consider
the ramified ways in which the question of ?empire? is at the center
of inquiry into regional transnationalism in general and the formation
of the Pacific world in particular. The fact that our modernity has
been shaped by imperialism and colonialism is settled, but it
continues to generate exciting new scholarship across the disciplines.
Recent scholars of the cultures and politics of US imperialism within
American Studies have re-emphasized the centrality (and continuity) of
westward expansion and visions of Pacific dominion to the rise of US
globalism in the twentieth-century. Pacific worlds were key sites for
the development of transnational imperial networks, including policing
and security regimes, forms of agricultural, medical and scientific
knowledge, practice and experimentation. Commercial and military
exchange under imperial and colonial auspices did not preclude, and
often augmented rich forms of intellectual and political exchange,
cultural circulation and production. Often under austere conditions,
migrant workers were key carriers and translators of different worlds,
even as they met with exclusion in their new homes.
Application Procedures:
Each application should include a summary in 300 words of the proposed
paper to be presented at the JAAS annual meeting. Participants should
explain how the proposed paper contributes to a discussion of the
project theme in general, and more specifically to the 2012 conference
theme: Comparative Empire and the Making of the Pacific World.
Applicants should include a personal statement, no longer than two
pages, describing their interest in this project and the issues that
their own scholarship and teaching have addressed. Also, provide some
possible themes for leading the pro-seminars. Personal statements may
include comments on previous collaboration or work with non-U.S.
academics or students. Prior experience of work or travel in Japan is
not a requirement for selection, but if applicable, applicants may
comment on their particular interest in, or connections to, Japan. In
addition, applications should include a two-page curriculum vitae,
emphasizing teaching experience and major publications and the names
and addresses of three references. All applicants must be available to
travel for a weeklong period to Japan in June 2012; exact dates
required for travel will be forthcoming. Applicants must be current
members of the ASA and U.S. citizens, and must attend the ASA annual
meeting during the year in which they apply for the grant. Preference
will be given to scholars with teaching and research experience.
Application materials (including the 300 word paper summary, 2-page
personal statement, and 2-page vitae) should be combined into a single
document not to exceed six pages in length addressed to the ASA-JAAS
Project Advisory Committee. Submit the application document via
electronic mail message as a single Word, Word Perfect, or PDF
attachment before midnight (US DST) October 1, 2011, to See for additional info:
Conferences & Calls for Papers
MHS Press Editorial Assistant/Publishing Internship
The Minnesota Historical Society Press is looking to fill an Editorial Assistant/Publishing Intern position. It's a great opportunity for graduate students interested in the publishing field, history, or American studies to work directly with authors Dave Kenney and Thomas Saylor to conduct research for an upcoming "The 70's in Minnesota" book. Specifically, the student will conduct research on topics of gay rights, Minnesota economic and demographic data, and produce annotated primary and secondary sources lists. Application deadling: October 1, 2011 or until position is filled.
Title: Editorial Assistant/Publishing Intern
Department: Minnesota Historical Society Press/Borealis Books
Supervisor: Head of Minnesota Historical Society Press
Hours: 12-15 hours per week
Timeframe: Fall 2011 (September-December)
Status: Unpaid, a limited number of stipends are available to students from underrepresented communities
To apply please send cover letter, resume, and 3-5 page writing sample to Applications will be accepted until October 1, 2011 or until position is filled.
MHS Editorial Intern.pdf for a full job description.
Title: Editorial Assistant/Publishing Intern
Department: Minnesota Historical Society Press/Borealis Books
Supervisor: Head of Minnesota Historical Society Press
Hours: 12-15 hours per week
Timeframe: Fall 2011 (September-December)
Status: Unpaid, a limited number of stipends are available to students from underrepresented communities
To apply please send cover letter, resume, and 3-5 page writing sample to Applications will be accepted until October 1, 2011 or until position is filled.
MHS Editorial Intern.pdf for a full job description.
Announcing the fall semester schedule for "The Work of American Studies" workshop series: October 24: Academic Conferences, December 19: Fellowship Applications
The series for grad students, "The Work of American Studies", continues this semester with the following workshops scheduled for fall:
Monday, October 24: Academic Conferences,
and Monday, December 19: Fellowship Applications.
Please mark your calendars. Both will be held 3:30-5pm in the Commons, room 105 Scott Hall.
Workshops in this series, held bimonthly, will focus on your work as graduate students, academics, and teachers, inside and outside the university. Examples of topics include milestones of graduate education, public presence, pursuing careers, and working inside and outside the academy.
Monday, October 24: Academic Conferences,
and Monday, December 19: Fellowship Applications.
Please mark your calendars. Both will be held 3:30-5pm in the Commons, room 105 Scott Hall.
Workshops in this series, held bimonthly, will focus on your work as graduate students, academics, and teachers, inside and outside the university. Examples of topics include milestones of graduate education, public presence, pursuing careers, and working inside and outside the academy.
Courses & Workshops
Elaine Tyler May's America and the Pill
Professor Elaine Tyler May published her book America and the Pill: A History of Promise, Peril, and Liberation (Basic Books, 2011). It is now available in paperback.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Myrl Beam & Steve Dillon will workshop ASA papers at the Graduate Student Workshop series Monday, Sept. 26 3:30pm
The first American Studies graduate student workshop of the semester will be held on Monday, Sept. 26, from 3:30 - 5:00pm in the Scott Hall Commons, room 105. All faculty and graduate students are encouraged to attend. Myrl Beam and Steve Dillon will workshop papers that will be presented at the ASA Meeting in October. Beam's paper, "Numbers and Knowing: Framing 'Human Trafficking' at a Gay Non-Profit", explores alignments between the state and queer anti-violence organization. Dillon's presentation, "We Dream Otherwise: Race, the Neoliberal-Carceral State, and the End of the Future", enters the debate in queer studies about hope and the future by considering the forms of hope that neoliberalism and the prison rested upon the 1970s United States. The annual fall department potluck will immediately follow this event.
Graduate students are encouraged to use this opportunity to share their work with each other and with faculty. The series was created to provide a venue for students to receive feedback on their work including, but not limited to, conference papers, practice job talks, parts of chapters, parts of course research papers
Students interested in presenting at one of the fall workshops should contact Melanie ( by Friday, September 9 and indicate, generally, the type of work you would like to present.
The workshops for fall semester are scheduled for Monday, September 26th and Monday, November 28th, each at 3:30-5:00pm in the Scott Hall Commons, room 105.
Graduate students are encouraged to use this opportunity to share their work with each other and with faculty. The series was created to provide a venue for students to receive feedback on their work including, but not limited to, conference papers, practice job talks, parts of chapters, parts of course research papers
Students interested in presenting at one of the fall workshops should contact Melanie ( by Friday, September 9 and indicate, generally, the type of work you would like to present.
The workshops for fall semester are scheduled for Monday, September 26th and Monday, November 28th, each at 3:30-5:00pm in the Scott Hall Commons, room 105.
Courses & Workshops,
Lectures & Events
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Lary May's Article in OAH Magazine
Professor Lary May's article "Teaching American Politics and Global Hollywood in the Age of 9/11" was published in the OAH Magazine of History Volume 15, Number 3.
Tenure-stream Assistant Professor in Gender and Sexuality at York University
Applications are invited for a tenure-stream position, at the rank of Assistant Professor, in the field of Gender and Sexuality in the School of Women's Studies at York University. The position will begin July 1, 2012. Required qualifications include a completed PhD in Women's Studies or a related field, and an ongoing program of research on issues of gender and sexuality. Application Deadline: November 15, 2011.
School of Women's Studies
Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
York University
Gender and Sexuality
Applicationsare invited for a tenure-stream position, at the rank of Assistant Professor,in the field of Gender and Sexuality to commence July 1, 2012. Requiredqualifications include a completed PhD in Women's Studies or a related field,and an ongoing program of research on issues of gender and sexuality.Candidates are expected to demonstrate excellence in teaching and in scholarlyresearch, and to have publications appropriate to their stage of career. Thesuccessful candidate will be expected to teach interdisciplinary courses inher/his own area of expertise as well as to contribute to the program byteaching in some of our core courses (for example, the introductory course orcourses in Women's Studies and/or Sexuality Studies, and courses in eachprogram on theories and methodologies). The successful candidate must be suitable for prompt appointment to theFaculty of Graduate Studies.
Salary will becommensurate with qualifications and experience. All York University positionsare subject to budgetary approval.
Applicantsshould submit a letter of application outlining their professional experienceand research interests, an up-to-date curriculum vitae, a sample of theirscholarly work, and a teaching dossier, and arrange for three confidentialletters of recommendation to be sent, by November15, 2011, to:
Professor Gertrude Mianda,
Chair, School of Women's Studies,
206 Founders College,
Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies,
York University,
4700 Keele St.,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M3J 1P3.
YorkUniversity is an Affirmative Action Employer. The Affirmative Action Programcan be found on York's website at a copy can be obtained by calling the affirmative action office at 416.736.5713. All qualified candidatesare encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residentswill be given priority.
School of Women's Studies
Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
York University
Gender and Sexuality
Applicationsare invited for a tenure-stream position, at the rank of Assistant Professor,in the field of Gender and Sexuality to commence July 1, 2012. Requiredqualifications include a completed PhD in Women's Studies or a related field,and an ongoing program of research on issues of gender and sexuality.Candidates are expected to demonstrate excellence in teaching and in scholarlyresearch, and to have publications appropriate to their stage of career. Thesuccessful candidate will be expected to teach interdisciplinary courses inher/his own area of expertise as well as to contribute to the program byteaching in some of our core courses (for example, the introductory course orcourses in Women's Studies and/or Sexuality Studies, and courses in eachprogram on theories and methodologies). The successful candidate must be suitable for prompt appointment to theFaculty of Graduate Studies.
Salary will becommensurate with qualifications and experience. All York University positionsare subject to budgetary approval.
Applicantsshould submit a letter of application outlining their professional experienceand research interests, an up-to-date curriculum vitae, a sample of theirscholarly work, and a teaching dossier, and arrange for three confidentialletters of recommendation to be sent, by November15, 2011, to:
Professor Gertrude Mianda,
Chair, School of Women's Studies,
206 Founders College,
Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies,
York University,
4700 Keele St.,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M3J 1P3.
YorkUniversity is an Affirmative Action Employer. The Affirmative Action Programcan be found on York's website at a copy can be obtained by calling the affirmative action office at 416.736.5713. All qualified candidatesare encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residentswill be given priority.
"Contingent Belongings: Queer Reflections on Race, Space, and the State" Conference Sept 16th & 17th, 2011
Please join the University of Minnesota's Graduate Interdisciplinary Group in Sexuality Studies for the exciting, interdisciplinary conference "Contingent Belongings: Queer Reflections on Race, Space, and the State". The conference is free and open to the public and will be held September 16th and 17th on the East Bank Campus. Click here for information on location, schedule, and speakers.
Conferences & Calls for Papers
CFP: IAIAS "Crossing Boundaries in the Americas" Conference
The International Association of Inter-American Studies invites submissions for their second bi-annual conference "Crossing Boundaries in the Americas: Dynamics of Change in Politics, Culture, and Media" September 25-27, 2012. The conference will be held in Guadalajara, Mexico September 25-27, 2012. Individual presentation submission deadline: September 30, 2011, panel submission deadline: October 31, 2011.
The International Association of Inter-American Studies (IAS), which is the sister Association of IASA and which holds its bi-annual conferences to alternate with those of IASA, is inviting you to its second bi-annual conference:
Mass migration, accelerated urbanization, and the processes of transnational economic integration are profoundly challenging the social and cultural constitution of the Americas in the New Millennium. In view of these dynamics of change, it has been argued that the sovereignty of the "nation-state" is an outdated concept. The gradual decline of the geopolitical hegemony of the U.S. is also changing the ways in which influence is negotiated regionally, as new global players from the South--such as Brazil--are gaining power. The political landscape in the Americas is subject to contradictory dynamics. The new Latin American left has entered a phase of consolidation, while--at the same time--there is also a recent shift to the right with a revival of nationalist and fundamentalist discourses in many countries. New social movements affect the political systems across borders and, with the crisis of multiculturalism, the postcolonial legacy with its ethnic or racial boundaries eroding and transforming. The cultural and linguistic contact zones of borderlands and diasporas have become laboratories of hybrid cultures and post- or plurinational citizenship. The cultural flows of media industries which traverse the Americas in diverse directions, albeit in an asymmetrical manner, have a deep impact on how people imagine the communities they feel to belong to in North and South, as well as transversally. Although there is still a wide digital gap, especially with regard to Latin America, the global interconnectedness of the World Wide Web is changing the ways in which people participate in local, national, and transnational communities, preserve their cultural roots, and use new forms of expression.
The conference will be held in Guadalajara (Mexico); it is co-hosted by the Universidad de Guadalajara and by UNAM. Conference languages are English and Spanish. You are invited to submit a proposal (in English or Spanish) for an individual presentation by September 30, 2011 or else for a panel by October 31, 2011. For the complete Call for Papers, please go to Please send your proposal to
The conferences of the International Association of Inter-American Studies (IAS) may present a great opportunity for IASA members to get together in the years between IASA conferences.
The International Association of Inter-American Studies (IAS), which is the sister Association of IASA and which holds its bi-annual conferences to alternate with those of IASA, is inviting you to its second bi-annual conference:
Second Bi-Annual Conference of the International Association of Inter-American Studies
Crossing Boundaries in the Americas:
Dynamics of Change in Politics, Culture, and Media
Crossing Boundaries in the Americas:
Dynamics of Change in Politics, Culture, and Media
Guadalajara, September 25 - 27, 2012
Mass migration, accelerated urbanization, and the processes of transnational economic integration are profoundly challenging the social and cultural constitution of the Americas in the New Millennium. In view of these dynamics of change, it has been argued that the sovereignty of the "nation-state" is an outdated concept. The gradual decline of the geopolitical hegemony of the U.S. is also changing the ways in which influence is negotiated regionally, as new global players from the South--such as Brazil--are gaining power. The political landscape in the Americas is subject to contradictory dynamics. The new Latin American left has entered a phase of consolidation, while--at the same time--there is also a recent shift to the right with a revival of nationalist and fundamentalist discourses in many countries. New social movements affect the political systems across borders and, with the crisis of multiculturalism, the postcolonial legacy with its ethnic or racial boundaries eroding and transforming. The cultural and linguistic contact zones of borderlands and diasporas have become laboratories of hybrid cultures and post- or plurinational citizenship. The cultural flows of media industries which traverse the Americas in diverse directions, albeit in an asymmetrical manner, have a deep impact on how people imagine the communities they feel to belong to in North and South, as well as transversally. Although there is still a wide digital gap, especially with regard to Latin America, the global interconnectedness of the World Wide Web is changing the ways in which people participate in local, national, and transnational communities, preserve their cultural roots, and use new forms of expression.
The conference will be held in Guadalajara (Mexico); it is co-hosted by the Universidad de Guadalajara and by UNAM. Conference languages are English and Spanish. You are invited to submit a proposal (in English or Spanish) for an individual presentation by September 30, 2011 or else for a panel by October 31, 2011. For the complete Call for Papers, please go to Please send your proposal to
The conferences of the International Association of Inter-American Studies (IAS) may present a great opportunity for IASA members to get together in the years between IASA conferences.
Conferences & Calls for Papers
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Fajardo's Filipino Crosscurrents
Professor Kale Fajardo published his book Filipino Crosscurrents: Oceanographies of Seafaring, Masculinities, and Globalization (University of Minnesota Press, 2011).

Filipino Crosscurrents
Oceanographies of Seafaring, Masculinities, and Globalization
Kale Bantigue Fajardo
Filipino Crosscurrents
How migrant Filipino seamen navigate alternative masculinities in the global shipping industry
Filipino Crosscurrents examines the cultural politics of seafaring, Filipino maritime masculinities, and globalization in the Philippines and the Filipino diaspora. Drawing on fieldwork conducted on ships and in the ports of Manila and Oakland, and on an industrial container ship on the Pacific, Kale Fajardo argues that the Philippine state and economic elites promote Filipino masculinity and neoliberal globalization through Filipino seamen.
"Filipino Crosscurrents is a very exciting book, whose contributions include its rich data; its use of a multi-disciplinary approach, incorporating ethnography, history, and literature; and its 'crosscurrents framework' which looks at those in-between spaces that people inhabit."
--Rhacel Parrenas, University of Southern California

Filipino Crosscurrents
Oceanographies of Seafaring, Masculinities, and Globalization
Kale Bantigue Fajardo
Filipino Crosscurrents
How migrant Filipino seamen navigate alternative masculinities in the global shipping industry
Filipino Crosscurrents examines the cultural politics of seafaring, Filipino maritime masculinities, and globalization in the Philippines and the Filipino diaspora. Drawing on fieldwork conducted on ships and in the ports of Manila and Oakland, and on an industrial container ship on the Pacific, Kale Fajardo argues that the Philippine state and economic elites promote Filipino masculinity and neoliberal globalization through Filipino seamen.
"Filipino Crosscurrents is a very exciting book, whose contributions include its rich data; its use of a multi-disciplinary approach, incorporating ethnography, history, and literature; and its 'crosscurrents framework' which looks at those in-between spaces that people inhabit."
--Rhacel Parrenas, University of Southern California
LaChance Assistant Professor at Amherst
Danny LaChance, Ph.D. '11, has accepted a tenure-track position as Assistant Professor of Political Science in Legal Studies at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Extended Deadline: CSA 2012 at UCSD, March 28-April 1, 2012
The Cultural Studies Association (CSA) has extended their deadline for submission to their tenth annual conference. This year's theme, "Culture Matters", calls for proposals that critically and creatively reflect on culture and "the material" broadly conceived. The conference will take place at the University of California, San Diego March 28th - April 1st, 2012. Extended proposal deadline: October 3, 2011.
University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, CA
March 28-April 1, 2012
Deadline for Proposals: 3 October, 2011
The Cultural Studies Association (CSA) invites participation in its tenth annual conference. This year's theme, "Culture Matters," calls for proposals that critically and creatively reflect on culture and "the material" broadly conceived. How do we theorize the relationship between culture and materiality? In what ways might interdisciplinary formations such as ethnic studies, critical gender studies, queer theory, indigenous studies, and new media studies challenge or redefine notions of the material? How should cultural critics understand the material in relationship to the immaterial? What are the cultural-material aspects of knowledge production both inside and outside the university? How does culture become a material force and how can cultural critics and producers intervene in or transform institutions and material practices? In short, what do materialist cultural studies projects look like now and what forms should they take in the future?
We welcome proposals from all areas and on all topics of relevance to cultural studies, including but not limited to literature, history, sociology, geography, politics, anthropology, communications, popular culture, cultural theory, queer studies, ethnic studies, indigenous studies, feminist studies, postcolonial studies, legal studies, science studies, media and film studies, material culture studies, visual art and performance studies.
While the program committee accepts individual presentation proposals, we especially encourage submissions of pre-constituted sessions. We also invite proposals that engage with this conference location and its many resources.
All conference formats - papers, panels, roundtables, workshops, and seminars - are intended to encourage the presentation and discussion of projects at different stages of development and to foster intellectual exchange and collaboration. Please feel free to adapt the suggested formats or propose others in order to suit your session's goals. If you have any questions, please address them to
All of the conference formats will be 105 minutes in length.
The conference has a finite set of resources available in terms of space and technology. In your proposal, you can request specific space and technical accommodations, including audio-visual equipment such as video/data projectors and DVD/VCR combo players. You will be asked to provide a short justification for your request in terms of the goals and format of your session. Requests will be evaluated in terms of these justifications and available resources.
Pre-constituted panels allow a team of 3-4 individuals to present their research, work, and/or experiences, leaving 30-45 minutes of the session for questions and discussion. Panels should include 3-4 participants. Proposals for pre-constituted panels should include: the title of the panel; the name, title, affiliation, and contact information of the panel organizer; the names, titles, affiliations, and email addresses of all panelists, and a chair and/or discussant; a description of the panel's topic (<500 words); and abstracts for each presentation (<150 words). Pre-constituted panels are preferred to individual paper submissions.
Successful papers will reach several constituencies of the organization and will connect analysis to social, political, economic, or ethical questions. Proposals for papers should include: the title of the paper; the name, title, affiliation, and email address of the author; and an abstract of the 20 minute paper (<500 words). ‚Ä®
Roundtables allow a group of participants to convene with the goal of generating discussion around a shared concern. In contrast to panels, roundtables typically involve shorter position or dialogue statements (5-10 minutes) in response to questions distributed in advance by the organizer. The majority of roundtable sessions should be devoted to discussion. Roundtables are limited to no more than five participants, including the organizer. We encourage roundtables involving participants from different institutions, centers, and organizations. Proposals for roundtables should include: the title of the roundtable; the name, title, affiliation, and contact information of the roundtable organizer; the names, titles, affiliations, and email addresses of the proposed roundtable participants; and a description of the position statements, questions, or debates that will be under discussion (<500 words).
Workshops allow a facilitator or facilitating team to set an agenda, pose opening questions, and/or organize hands-on participant activities. The facilitator or team is responsible for gathering responses and results from participants and helping everyone digest them. Proposals for workshops should include: the title of the workshop; the name, title, affiliation, and contact information of the (lead) facilitator and of any co-facilitators; a description of the activities to be undertaken (<500 words). Please also include a description of space requirements, if appropriate.
Seminars are small-group (maximum 15 individuals) discussion sessions for which participants prepare in advance of the conference. In previous years, preparation has involved shared readings, pre-circulated ''position papers'' by seminar leaders and/or participants, and other forms of pre-conference collaboration. We particularly invite proposals for seminars designed to advance emerging lines of inquiry and research/teaching initiatives within cultural studies broadly construed. We also invite seminars designed to generate future collaborations among conference attendees. Once a limited number of seminar topics and leaders are chosen, the seminars will be announced through the CSA's various public e-mail lists. Participants will contact the seminar leader(s) directly who will then inform the Program Committee who will participate in the seminar. Seminars will be marked in the conference programs as either closed to non-participants or open to other conference attendees as auditors (or in other roles).
A limited number of seminars will be selected by the program committee, with a call for participation announced on the CSA webpage and listserv no later than 10 October 2011. Interested parties will apply directly to the seminar leader(s) for admission to the session by 14 November 2011. Seminar leader(s) will be responsible for providing the program committee with a confirmed list of participants (names, titles, affiliations, and email addresses required) for inclusion in the conference program no later than 21 November 2011.
Please note: To run at the conference, seminars must garner a minimum of 8 participants, in addition to the seminar leader(s). Proposals for seminars should include: the title of the seminar; the name, title, affiliation, and contact information of the seminar leader/team members; and a description of the issues and questions that will be raised in discussion, along with a description of the work to be completed by participants in advance of the seminar (<500 words). Examples of successful seminar descriptions are available on the conference website. Individuals interested in participating in (rather than leading) a seminar should consult the list of seminars and the instructions for signing up for them, available at conference website after 10 October 2011. Please direct questions about seminars to S. Charusheela:
A list of CSA divisions is available at here. All divisions have two sessions at their command. Divisions may elect to post calls on the CSA site for papers and procedures for submission to division sessions or handle the creation of their two division sessions by other means. Division chairs will submit their two sessions, including the appropriate information as listed above, to the conference website. They should also email their two sessions directly to the CSA's "division wrangler" - Bruce Burgett: - by 3 October 2011.
We invite people to volunteer to chair panels. To do so please submit your name, title, affiliation, and email address, as well as a brief list of your research interests through the conference website.
Submission Deadline and Process
The CSA administers submissions electronically. Please prepare all the materials required to propose your session according to the given directions before you begin electronic submission. We recommend saving a copy of this information in a Word document. Then go to: You will be asked to enter the information into the fields provided (you may choose to cut and paste).
The Program Committee will send final notifications regarding session proposals no later than 5 December 2011.
In order to be listed in the program, conference registration - which includes membership in the CSA - must be completed online before 27 February 2012. All program information - names, presentation titles, and institutional affiliations - will be based on initial conference submissions.
Cultural Studies Association (US) --
University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, CA
March 28-April 1, 2012
Deadline for Proposals: 3 October, 2011
The Cultural Studies Association (CSA) invites participation in its tenth annual conference. This year's theme, "Culture Matters," calls for proposals that critically and creatively reflect on culture and "the material" broadly conceived. How do we theorize the relationship between culture and materiality? In what ways might interdisciplinary formations such as ethnic studies, critical gender studies, queer theory, indigenous studies, and new media studies challenge or redefine notions of the material? How should cultural critics understand the material in relationship to the immaterial? What are the cultural-material aspects of knowledge production both inside and outside the university? How does culture become a material force and how can cultural critics and producers intervene in or transform institutions and material practices? In short, what do materialist cultural studies projects look like now and what forms should they take in the future?
We welcome proposals from all areas and on all topics of relevance to cultural studies, including but not limited to literature, history, sociology, geography, politics, anthropology, communications, popular culture, cultural theory, queer studies, ethnic studies, indigenous studies, feminist studies, postcolonial studies, legal studies, science studies, media and film studies, material culture studies, visual art and performance studies.
While the program committee accepts individual presentation proposals, we especially encourage submissions of pre-constituted sessions. We also invite proposals that engage with this conference location and its many resources.
All conference formats - papers, panels, roundtables, workshops, and seminars - are intended to encourage the presentation and discussion of projects at different stages of development and to foster intellectual exchange and collaboration. Please feel free to adapt the suggested formats or propose others in order to suit your session's goals. If you have any questions, please address them to
All of the conference formats will be 105 minutes in length.
The conference has a finite set of resources available in terms of space and technology. In your proposal, you can request specific space and technical accommodations, including audio-visual equipment such as video/data projectors and DVD/VCR combo players. You will be asked to provide a short justification for your request in terms of the goals and format of your session. Requests will be evaluated in terms of these justifications and available resources.
Pre-constituted panels allow a team of 3-4 individuals to present their research, work, and/or experiences, leaving 30-45 minutes of the session for questions and discussion. Panels should include 3-4 participants. Proposals for pre-constituted panels should include: the title of the panel; the name, title, affiliation, and contact information of the panel organizer; the names, titles, affiliations, and email addresses of all panelists, and a chair and/or discussant; a description of the panel's topic (<500 words); and abstracts for each presentation (<150 words). Pre-constituted panels are preferred to individual paper submissions.
Successful papers will reach several constituencies of the organization and will connect analysis to social, political, economic, or ethical questions. Proposals for papers should include: the title of the paper; the name, title, affiliation, and email address of the author; and an abstract of the 20 minute paper (<500 words). ‚Ä®
Roundtables allow a group of participants to convene with the goal of generating discussion around a shared concern. In contrast to panels, roundtables typically involve shorter position or dialogue statements (5-10 minutes) in response to questions distributed in advance by the organizer. The majority of roundtable sessions should be devoted to discussion. Roundtables are limited to no more than five participants, including the organizer. We encourage roundtables involving participants from different institutions, centers, and organizations. Proposals for roundtables should include: the title of the roundtable; the name, title, affiliation, and contact information of the roundtable organizer; the names, titles, affiliations, and email addresses of the proposed roundtable participants; and a description of the position statements, questions, or debates that will be under discussion (<500 words).
Workshops allow a facilitator or facilitating team to set an agenda, pose opening questions, and/or organize hands-on participant activities. The facilitator or team is responsible for gathering responses and results from participants and helping everyone digest them. Proposals for workshops should include: the title of the workshop; the name, title, affiliation, and contact information of the (lead) facilitator and of any co-facilitators; a description of the activities to be undertaken (<500 words). Please also include a description of space requirements, if appropriate.
Seminars are small-group (maximum 15 individuals) discussion sessions for which participants prepare in advance of the conference. In previous years, preparation has involved shared readings, pre-circulated ''position papers'' by seminar leaders and/or participants, and other forms of pre-conference collaboration. We particularly invite proposals for seminars designed to advance emerging lines of inquiry and research/teaching initiatives within cultural studies broadly construed. We also invite seminars designed to generate future collaborations among conference attendees. Once a limited number of seminar topics and leaders are chosen, the seminars will be announced through the CSA's various public e-mail lists. Participants will contact the seminar leader(s) directly who will then inform the Program Committee who will participate in the seminar. Seminars will be marked in the conference programs as either closed to non-participants or open to other conference attendees as auditors (or in other roles).
A limited number of seminars will be selected by the program committee, with a call for participation announced on the CSA webpage and listserv no later than 10 October 2011. Interested parties will apply directly to the seminar leader(s) for admission to the session by 14 November 2011. Seminar leader(s) will be responsible for providing the program committee with a confirmed list of participants (names, titles, affiliations, and email addresses required) for inclusion in the conference program no later than 21 November 2011.
Please note: To run at the conference, seminars must garner a minimum of 8 participants, in addition to the seminar leader(s). Proposals for seminars should include: the title of the seminar; the name, title, affiliation, and contact information of the seminar leader/team members; and a description of the issues and questions that will be raised in discussion, along with a description of the work to be completed by participants in advance of the seminar (<500 words). Examples of successful seminar descriptions are available on the conference website. Individuals interested in participating in (rather than leading) a seminar should consult the list of seminars and the instructions for signing up for them, available at conference website after 10 October 2011. Please direct questions about seminars to S. Charusheela:
A list of CSA divisions is available at here. All divisions have two sessions at their command. Divisions may elect to post calls on the CSA site for papers and procedures for submission to division sessions or handle the creation of their two division sessions by other means. Division chairs will submit their two sessions, including the appropriate information as listed above, to the conference website. They should also email their two sessions directly to the CSA's "division wrangler" - Bruce Burgett: - by 3 October 2011.
We invite people to volunteer to chair panels. To do so please submit your name, title, affiliation, and email address, as well as a brief list of your research interests through the conference website.
Submission Deadline and Process
The CSA administers submissions electronically. Please prepare all the materials required to propose your session according to the given directions before you begin electronic submission. We recommend saving a copy of this information in a Word document. Then go to: You will be asked to enter the information into the fields provided (you may choose to cut and paste).
The Program Committee will send final notifications regarding session proposals no later than 5 December 2011.
In order to be listed in the program, conference registration - which includes membership in the CSA - must be completed online before 27 February 2012. All program information - names, presentation titles, and institutional affiliations - will be based on initial conference submissions.
Cultural Studies Association (US) --
Conferences & Calls for Papers
Strunk's Wanted Women
Mary Elizabeth Strunk, PhD '03, published her book Wanted Women:An American Obsession in the Reign of J. Edgar Hoover (University Press of Kansas, 2010).

Wanted Women
An American Obsession in the Reign of J. Edgar Hoover
Mary Elizabeth Strunk
September 2010
304 pages, 27 illustrations, 6-1‚ÅÑ8 x 9-1‚ÅÑ4
Cloth ISBN 978-0-7006-1744-9, $29.95 (t)
book cover imageThe iconic photo of Bonnie Parker--cigar clenched in jaw, pistol in hand--says it all: America loves its bad girls. Now Mary Elizabeth Strunk tells us why.
Wanted Women is a startling look at the lives--and legends--of ten female outlaws who gained notoriety during the tumultuous decades that bracketed the tenure of FBI director J. Edgar Hoover. Strunk looks at real-life events and fictional portrayals to decipher what our obsession with these women says about shifting gender roles, evolving law-enforcement practices, and American cultural attitudes in general.
These women's stories reveal what it takes--and what it has meant--to be a high-profile female lawbreaker in America. Strunk introduces us to Kathryn "Mrs. Machine Gun" Kelly, Ma Barker, and Bonnie Parker from the 1930s, and, from the 1970s, we meet heiress-turned-revolutionary Patty Hearst, five other women of the Symbionese Liberation Army, and Black Panther Assata Shakur. All saw themselves as struggling against an oppressive legal system. All became "wanted" criminals and would play a part in shaping Hoover's legacy. And all spent enormous amounts of energy attempting to manipulate public opinion in their favor.
Strunk argues that each woman's public persona was to some degree invented by Hoover, who saw outlaw women as an alarming threat to public morality. He went after them with a vengeance, but in many ways his obsession only added to their reputations. Strunk shows how Hoover's repeated use of popular culture to publicize the threat of violent women initially succeeded in strengthening his FBI, but his approach became a liability by the time law enforcement was pitted against the women outlaws of the 1970s.
The book chronicles the careers of these infamous outlaws both in the real world and in popular culture--film, ads, true-crime stories, autobiographies--as well as Hoover's own forays into filmmaking. It boasts 27 compelling images of movie stills, wanted posters, and other ephemera that have been assembled nowhere else, including rarely reproduced SLA artifacts.
Strunk's book is the first study to define the narrow "formula" necessary for a woman to cross over from criminal to outlaw. Hitting on key notes of American culture from Black and gender studies to cinematic and legal history, Wanted Women sets a new benchmark for how we view women and crime as it contributes fresh insights into twentieth-century social history.
"Strunk's important study shows--in a vivid and exciting narrative--how our fascination with female criminals, gun molls, radicals, and serial killers draws on our unconscious sexual obsessions, has paid off for Hollywood and Washington, and played into J. Edgar Hoover's own obsessions, for the greater power and glory of the FBI."--Richard Gid Powers, author of Secrecy and Power: The Life of J. Edgar Hoover
"Strunk shows how generations of Americans, fascinated and repulsed by women who take up guns and commit criminal acts, have constructed and applied their own myths, fantasies, and obsessions. Wanted Women is sure to find a wide audience among historians, film scholars, folklorists, feminists, women and men--anyone, really, who wants to know more about those red-haired ladies with guns."--William Graebner, author of Patty's Got a Gun: Patricia Hearst in 1970s America
"Strunk traces gun molls, revolutionaries, and other 'bad' women from the streets to the state to the screen. Her keen eye for a cultural history that is also a political story makes this book a welcome addition to a field that has received too little attention."--Claire Bond Potter, author of War on Crime: Bandits, G-Men, and the Politics of Mass Culture
"Who, really, were these infamous women of American crime lore, and did they deserve the venomous vituperation the shamelessly self-promoting Hoover repeatedly heaped on them? Strunk offers intriguing new insights as she arrives at answers to both questions."--Stanley Hamilton, author of Machine Gun Kelly's Last Stand
MARY ELIZABETH STRUNK is an associate of Five Colleges, Incorporated. She writes and teaches in Western Massachusetts.
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©2007 University Press of Kansas
2502 Westbrooke Circle, Lawrence, KS 66045-4444
Phone (785) 864-4155; Fax (785) 864-4586

Wanted Women
An American Obsession in the Reign of J. Edgar Hoover
Mary Elizabeth Strunk
September 2010
304 pages, 27 illustrations, 6-1‚ÅÑ8 x 9-1‚ÅÑ4
Cloth ISBN 978-0-7006-1744-9, $29.95 (t)
book cover imageThe iconic photo of Bonnie Parker--cigar clenched in jaw, pistol in hand--says it all: America loves its bad girls. Now Mary Elizabeth Strunk tells us why.
Wanted Women is a startling look at the lives--and legends--of ten female outlaws who gained notoriety during the tumultuous decades that bracketed the tenure of FBI director J. Edgar Hoover. Strunk looks at real-life events and fictional portrayals to decipher what our obsession with these women says about shifting gender roles, evolving law-enforcement practices, and American cultural attitudes in general.
These women's stories reveal what it takes--and what it has meant--to be a high-profile female lawbreaker in America. Strunk introduces us to Kathryn "Mrs. Machine Gun" Kelly, Ma Barker, and Bonnie Parker from the 1930s, and, from the 1970s, we meet heiress-turned-revolutionary Patty Hearst, five other women of the Symbionese Liberation Army, and Black Panther Assata Shakur. All saw themselves as struggling against an oppressive legal system. All became "wanted" criminals and would play a part in shaping Hoover's legacy. And all spent enormous amounts of energy attempting to manipulate public opinion in their favor.
Strunk argues that each woman's public persona was to some degree invented by Hoover, who saw outlaw women as an alarming threat to public morality. He went after them with a vengeance, but in many ways his obsession only added to their reputations. Strunk shows how Hoover's repeated use of popular culture to publicize the threat of violent women initially succeeded in strengthening his FBI, but his approach became a liability by the time law enforcement was pitted against the women outlaws of the 1970s.
The book chronicles the careers of these infamous outlaws both in the real world and in popular culture--film, ads, true-crime stories, autobiographies--as well as Hoover's own forays into filmmaking. It boasts 27 compelling images of movie stills, wanted posters, and other ephemera that have been assembled nowhere else, including rarely reproduced SLA artifacts.
Strunk's book is the first study to define the narrow "formula" necessary for a woman to cross over from criminal to outlaw. Hitting on key notes of American culture from Black and gender studies to cinematic and legal history, Wanted Women sets a new benchmark for how we view women and crime as it contributes fresh insights into twentieth-century social history.
"Strunk's important study shows--in a vivid and exciting narrative--how our fascination with female criminals, gun molls, radicals, and serial killers draws on our unconscious sexual obsessions, has paid off for Hollywood and Washington, and played into J. Edgar Hoover's own obsessions, for the greater power and glory of the FBI."--Richard Gid Powers, author of Secrecy and Power: The Life of J. Edgar Hoover
"Strunk shows how generations of Americans, fascinated and repulsed by women who take up guns and commit criminal acts, have constructed and applied their own myths, fantasies, and obsessions. Wanted Women is sure to find a wide audience among historians, film scholars, folklorists, feminists, women and men--anyone, really, who wants to know more about those red-haired ladies with guns."--William Graebner, author of Patty's Got a Gun: Patricia Hearst in 1970s America
"Strunk traces gun molls, revolutionaries, and other 'bad' women from the streets to the state to the screen. Her keen eye for a cultural history that is also a political story makes this book a welcome addition to a field that has received too little attention."--Claire Bond Potter, author of War on Crime: Bandits, G-Men, and the Politics of Mass Culture
"Who, really, were these infamous women of American crime lore, and did they deserve the venomous vituperation the shamelessly self-promoting Hoover repeatedly heaped on them? Strunk offers intriguing new insights as she arrives at answers to both questions."--Stanley Hamilton, author of Machine Gun Kelly's Last Stand
MARY ELIZABETH STRUNK is an associate of Five Colleges, Incorporated. She writes and teaches in Western Massachusetts.
Home | About the Press | Recent Awards | Contact Us | Order
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Books in Print: | By Author | By Subject | By Title | By Series
©2007 University Press of Kansas
2502 Westbrooke Circle, Lawrence, KS 66045-4444
Phone (785) 864-4155; Fax (785) 864-4586
Two year Postdoc in African American Studies at Northwestern University
The Department of African American Studies in the Winberg College of Arts and Sciences at Northwestern University invites applications for a two year Postdoctoral Fellowship. Ph.D. must be completed by September 1, 2012. Application deadline: December 20, 2011.
Recent Ph.D.s (degree granted during or after 2010) with a commitment to the field of African American and/or African Diaspora studies are encouraged to apply.
This two year fellowship is residential and provides a competitive stipend and benefits, a visiting appointment in the Department of African American Studies (including teaching of one or two classes in the Department), and participation in the intellectual life of the Department and University.
Applicants should submit one copy (postmarked no later than December 30, 2011) of:
1) a current curriculum vitae,
2) a letter of application detailing the research project to be undertaken during the fellowship years,
3) a sample of scholarly writing,
4) evidence relating to the quality of teaching (syllabi and teaching evaluations),
5) three letters of recommendation (including one letter from the dissertation advisor) to:
Department of African American Studies
Northwestern University
1860 Campus Drive, Crowe 5-128
Evanston, IL 60208-2210
Attn: Postdoctoral Fellowship Search
All inquiries should be addressed to Suzette Denose at 847-491-5122 or AA/EOE.
Recent Ph.D.s (degree granted during or after 2010) with a commitment to the field of African American and/or African Diaspora studies are encouraged to apply.
This two year fellowship is residential and provides a competitive stipend and benefits, a visiting appointment in the Department of African American Studies (including teaching of one or two classes in the Department), and participation in the intellectual life of the Department and University.
Applicants should submit one copy (postmarked no later than December 30, 2011) of:
1) a current curriculum vitae,
2) a letter of application detailing the research project to be undertaken during the fellowship years,
3) a sample of scholarly writing,
4) evidence relating to the quality of teaching (syllabi and teaching evaluations),
5) three letters of recommendation (including one letter from the dissertation advisor) to:
Department of African American Studies
Northwestern University
1860 Campus Drive, Crowe 5-128
Evanston, IL 60208-2210
Attn: Postdoctoral Fellowship Search
All inquiries should be addressed to Suzette Denose at 847-491-5122 or AA/EOE.
Tenure-track Assistant Professor in American Studies at George Washington University
The Department of American Studies at The George Washington University seeks to appoint a tenure-track assistant professor with a specialization in science, technology, and American culture beginning Fall 2012. Ph.D. in American Studies or related discipline by August 1, 2012 required. Review of applications begins October 15, 2011.
The Department of American Studies at The George Washington University seeks to appoint a tenure-track assistant professor beginning Fall 2012.
Basic Qualifications: All requirements completed for Ph.D. in American Studies or related discipline by August 1, 2012. Research experience/potential as demonstrated by works in progress or scholarly publications, and teaching experience.
Preferred Qualifications: Research and teaching interests in the history and/or meaning of science or technology in American culture, environmental history, urban sustainability, medical humanities, environmental anthropology, ethnography of science, or the geopolitical impact of American scientific enterprise.
Please send a cover letter, CV, three letters of recommendation, and a thirty-page writing sample to:
Science and Technology Search Committee
Department of American Studies
The George Washington University
2108 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20052
Review of applications will begin October 15, 2011, and continue until the position is filled. Only complete applications will be considered. The George Washington University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and particularly encourages applications from women and persons of color.
Visit our website:
The Department of American Studies at The George Washington University seeks to appoint a tenure-track assistant professor beginning Fall 2012.
Basic Qualifications: All requirements completed for Ph.D. in American Studies or related discipline by August 1, 2012. Research experience/potential as demonstrated by works in progress or scholarly publications, and teaching experience.
Preferred Qualifications: Research and teaching interests in the history and/or meaning of science or technology in American culture, environmental history, urban sustainability, medical humanities, environmental anthropology, ethnography of science, or the geopolitical impact of American scientific enterprise.
Please send a cover letter, CV, three letters of recommendation, and a thirty-page writing sample to:
Science and Technology Search Committee
Department of American Studies
The George Washington University
2108 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20052
Review of applications will begin October 15, 2011, and continue until the position is filled. Only complete applications will be considered. The George Washington University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and particularly encourages applications from women and persons of color.
Visit our website:
Legal History Workshops- Fridays this fall beginning 9/23
The Law School will be holding Legal History Workshops this fall on Fridays from 12:00 to 1:15pm in room 471 Mondale Hall. Papers will be circulated one week in advance to all those on the Program e-mail list. If you would like to be added to the list or obtrain a copy of a particular paper, please e-mail Meghan Schwartz,
Schedule of Speakers
September 23: Jill Hasday, University of Minnesota (Law)
"Progress Narratives for Adults" (a chapter from her book project, Family Law Reimagined: Recasting the Canon)
September 30: Sarah Chambers, University of Minnesota (History)
"Family, Loyalty and Property Confiscation during Chile's Independence from Spain"
October 7: Heidi Kitrosser, University of Minnesota (Law)
"Reclaiming Accountability: Transparency, Executive Power, and the U.S. Constitution"
October 14: Erika Lee, University of Minnesota (History)
"Wong Kim Ark v. US, Birthright Citizenship, and the Current Debate over Immigration"
October 21: Keith Mayes, University of Minnesota (African American and African Studies)
"Black Revolutionaries Under a Written Constitution: Black Power's First and Second Amendment"
October 28: Erik Redix, University of Minnesota (History)
"An Imperative Necessity: The Murder of Joe White and the Culmination of Removal"
November 4: Chantel Rodriguez, University of Minnesota (History)
"Transnational Public Health Law and the Interstices of Administrative Discretion in the Railroad Bracero Program, 1942-1945"
November 18: Myron Orfield, University of Minnesota (Law)
"Milliken, Meredith and Metropolitan Integration"
December 2: Heather Hawkins, University of Minnesota (History)
"Not Without Their Voluntary Consent: Parental Rights and Federal Law in late 19th and Early 20th Century American Indian Boarding Schools"
Schedule of Speakers
September 23: Jill Hasday, University of Minnesota (Law)
"Progress Narratives for Adults" (a chapter from her book project, Family Law Reimagined: Recasting the Canon)
September 30: Sarah Chambers, University of Minnesota (History)
"Family, Loyalty and Property Confiscation during Chile's Independence from Spain"
October 7: Heidi Kitrosser, University of Minnesota (Law)
"Reclaiming Accountability: Transparency, Executive Power, and the U.S. Constitution"
October 14: Erika Lee, University of Minnesota (History)
"Wong Kim Ark v. US, Birthright Citizenship, and the Current Debate over Immigration"
October 21: Keith Mayes, University of Minnesota (African American and African Studies)
"Black Revolutionaries Under a Written Constitution: Black Power's First and Second Amendment"
October 28: Erik Redix, University of Minnesota (History)
"An Imperative Necessity: The Murder of Joe White and the Culmination of Removal"
November 4: Chantel Rodriguez, University of Minnesota (History)
"Transnational Public Health Law and the Interstices of Administrative Discretion in the Railroad Bracero Program, 1942-1945"
November 18: Myron Orfield, University of Minnesota (Law)
"Milliken, Meredith and Metropolitan Integration"
December 2: Heather Hawkins, University of Minnesota (History)
"Not Without Their Voluntary Consent: Parental Rights and Federal Law in late 19th and Early 20th Century American Indian Boarding Schools"
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