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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Kale Fajardo Essay

Kale Fajardo has a new essay, "Queering and Transing the Great Lakes: Filipino/a Tomboy Masculinities and Manhoods across Waters" in a special issue of GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies (Volume 20, Number 1-2, 2014) called "Queering the Middle: Race, Region, and a Queer Midwest" edited by Martin F. Manalansan IV, Chantal Nadeau, Richard T. Rodríguez, and Siobhan B. Somerville. To read this essay click here.

AAS Graduate Student Panel

Tom Sarmiento will be one of the panelists on the Asian American Studies Graduate panel: "We are Here: Representations of Transnationalism Among Asian / Pacific Americans. Friday, January 31st, from 3 - 4:30 pm, Social Sciences Building, Room 710. For more information click AAS Grad Panel.pdf.

Tom Sarmiento Practice Job Talk

Tom Sarmiento will be presenting a practice job talk Friday, February 7th, 3 p.m., Scott Hall Commons, "What Are Filipinas/os Doing in Lima, Ohio? Or, Glee's Unconscious Avowal of US Empire. "

This talk begins with a simple question: what are Filipinas/os doing in Lima, Ohio at McKinley High--the fictional setting of the US television musical dramedy Glee? At first glance, Filipinas/os and Filipina/o-ness may seem peripheral to the show; however, upon closer examination, they pervade it--from actors to lead and supporting characters, to oblique "shout outs," and even to Jollibee (a popular Filipina/o fast-food chain) cameos. Analyzing self-identified Filipino actor Darren Criss's portrayal of Blaine Anderson, I argue that the Filipina/o actors on the show figure as the post/colonial return of the US colonial repressed, and understanding them as such explains why the characters they portray seem at once strange and familiar, threatening and desirable, queer and not. By foregrounding empire in the analysis of this US popular cultural phenomenon, I show how the specters of Filipina/o-ness everywhere on the show, as well as in US culture more broadly, become less idiosyncratic and instead transform into the remainders and reminders of US overseas expansion.

English Job Talks

The Department of English is hosting three candidates for a position in creative writing next week.

Monday, February 3
CW Candidate Job Talk: Kim Todd
2:30 pm, Lind 207A
Todd received her MFA and MS in environmental studies from the University of Montana and is assistant professor at Penn State Erie. She is the author of Sparrow (2012) and Tinkering with Eden, a Natural History of Exotics in America (2001), as well as a biography of the explorer Maria Sibylla Merian. The New York Times Book Review called Tinkering a "fascinating, cautionary first book."
Wednesday, February 5
CW Candidate Job Talk: Matthew Frank
2:30 pm, Lind 207A
Frank received his MFA from Arizona State and is assistant professor at Northern Michigan University. He is the author of the memoirs Barolo and Pot Farm as well as three poetry collections. Of Pot Farm, Booklist wrote: "This engaging memoir chronicles the unusual route the author and his wife took to mental rehabilitation after Frank's mother's grueling, months-long battle with cancer: they took up residence on a medical-marijuana farm in Northern California. . . . A highly entertaining tale."
Thursday, February 6
CW Candidate Job Talk: Ben Stroud
2:30 pm, Lind 207A
Stroud received his MA, MFA, and PhD from the University of Michigan and is assistant professor at the University of Toledo. He is the author of Byzantium: Stories (2013), which won the 2014 Story Prize Spotlight Award. Harper's noted: "[Stroud] evinces a sharp yet sympathetic eye for human failure. In Byzantium, Stroud extends this same eye to personal and social subjects across millennia, telling stories that range from the violent political intrigue of the titular city to the half-hearted adultery committed by a Ph.D. student in modern-day Berlin."

History of Medicine Spring Lectures

The Program in the History of Medicine, announces lectures for Spring 2014. Please note that a number of these are held on Mondays, while others are held on Fridays as part of the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine Spring Colloquium series. For complete list please click HMed Colloquia Spring 2014.pdf

Submit Syllabi & Office Hours

American Studies Instructors: Spring 2014 Syllabi & Office Hours: Please submit a copy of your course syllabus electronically to amstdy@umn.edu by Wednesday, February 5th. Please also include the time(s) and day(s) you will be holding office hours for the upcoming semester.

Dartmouth Summer Institute

Dartmouth announces one week summer institute: State(s) of American Studies. Applications for the 2014 Institute will be accepted until all slots have been filled, but applications received by May 18, 2014 will be granted priority. For more information click here.

Critical Ethnic Studies Summer Workshop

Critical Ethnic Studies announces it's summer workshop: "What is Critical Ethnic Studies?"June 26 - 28, 2014, University of Maryland, College Park. For more information click here.

Museum Studies Minor

Museum Studies is a graduate minor that is available to all students of any major. It can be the introduction to a career in museums for subject specialists, educators, designers, artists, business managers, IT, and communications experts and others. For more information click here.

The ACLS Public Fellows

The ACLS Public Fellows program places recent Ph.D.s from the humanities and humanistic social sciences in two-year staff positions at partnering organizations in government and the nonprofit sector. Fellows participate in the substantive work of these organizations and receive professional mentoring. The fellowship provides a stipend of $65,000 per year as well as individual health insurance. For application information, click here.

CRRES Postdoctoral Fellowship

CENTER FOR RESEARCH ON RACE AND ETHNICITY IN SOCIETY (CRRES) POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP Indiana University, Bloomington is pleased to accept applications for two Postdoctoral Fellowships for scholars in a broad range of fields, including African American and African Diaspora Studies, American Studies (includes Native American Studies), Anthropology, History, Political Science, Psychology, and Sociology. Applications received by January 30, 2014 will receive full consideration.

Indiana University, Bloomington is pleased to accept applications for two Postdoctoral Fellowships for scholars in a broad range of fields, including African American and African Diaspora Studies, American Studies (includes Native American Studies), Anthropology, History, Political Science, Psychology, and Sociology. Postdoctoral fellows are an important component of the intellectual life of CRRES. The CRRES fellowship program aims to create a legacy of qualified scholars who will be positioned to address the broad issue of race and ethnicity in the United States using a multidisciplinary lens. These fellowships are designed to nurture the academic careers of scholars by allowing them the opportunity to pursue their research while gaining mentored experience as teachers, CRRES fellows, and members of the faculty in host departments. We are looking for self-motivated and highly-organized individuals who can work independently and as members of a team. Appropriate areas of specialization include U.S. coverage of: (1) immigration, immigrant politics, and/or immigrant experiences; (2) race, ethnicity, and religion; (3) health disparities, health policy, and health economics; (4) racial attitudes; (5) minorities and social movements; and (6) social inequality. We welcome cross-national research as long as there is a comparison with U.S. groups, with a substantial focus on the American experience. Terms of Agreement Fellows are expected to pursue research activities associated with their primary area(s) of work, as demonstrated by conference presentations (including CRRES) and published works. Fellows will also teach two courses in their home departments in each year of their residency; are expected to participate in CRRES activities; and take part in their home departments' colloquia and/or seminars. The positions are available for two years beginning August 1, 2014 through May 31, 2016, at a 10-month starting salary of $51,500. Each postdoctoral fellow will also receive $3,000/yr. in research support and Indiana University health benefits. Fellows are allocated office space (with basic office supplies), a computer, and printer. Application Process We invite applications from qualified candidates who are at the beginning of their academic careers, having received the Ph.D. in 2012 or 2013 but who do not hold tenure-track academic positions. Candidates who do not hold a Ph.D. but expect to by June 30, 2014 must supply a letter from the chair of their dissertation committee, confirming the proposed timeline for completion. Interested candidates should review the application requirements and submit their application at: http://indiana.peopleadmin.com. All applicants must file or deposit their dissertations no later than June 30, 2014. Candidates should be prepared to submit a cover letter, CV, personal statement (approximately 3000 words describing their dissertation project, work in progress, professional goals and plans for publication, and proposed major field[s] of teaching), and three letters of reference. If available, applicants may also submit materials demonstrating their aptitude as teachers. Incomplete dossiers will not be reviewed. Following review by the CRRES postdoctoral committee, strong applications will be circulated to relevant departments. Questions regarding the position or application process can be directed to: Pamela Braboy Jackson, Search Committee Chair, Center for Research on Race and Ethnicity in Society, Indiana University - Schuessler Institute for Social Research 209, 1022 E. Third Street, Bloomington, IN 47405 or pjackson@indiana.edu. Applications received by January 30, 2014 will receive full consideration. Information about the center can be found at: http://www.indiana.edu/~crres.

"TransAmericas" Conference at UC Davis

Queer, Feminist, and Transgender Studies Research Cluster announces the 2014 Conference "TransAmericas" at the University of California Davis May 15 and 16, 2014. Call for Submissions Deadline: Friday, February 15. Click here for more information.

2014 marks the twentieth anniversary of the passing of the North American Free Trade Agreement, a neoliberal program with intentions to bring modernity to Latin America. 2014 also marks 20 years since the Zapatista indigenous rebellion surfaced to resist draconian neoliberal structural policies that plague the Americas. Coming out of social movement struggles against neoliberal currents, it became clear that the role of gender and sexuality formed an equally essential part in the shaping of both grassroots and state institutions.
This conference will examine sexuality, gender, and feminism in the shifts taking place within the Americas as they affect the circuits of queer migration, the transnationalism of feminist discourses, and the reconceptualization of forms of gendered subjectivity in relation to transcultural exchange within the hemisphere.
Reflecting on the past 20 years, it appears that Latin America is leading the continent when it comes to recognizing gender and sexuality-based rights. While the US still struggles with federal marriage equality and workplace protections for LGBT people, Brazil has recognized same-sex civil unions for a decade; Argentina granted its citizens, including those underage, access to free coverage for gender reassignment surgery and the right to legally change their gender. Uruguay, Colombia, and Mexico have followed suit.
Discussions about gender and sexuality are at the forefront of hemispheric scholarship. For instance, how does gender and sexuality disrupt monolithic notions of the Americas? Given the advancements of gender and sexuality rights based movements throughout the Americas, what are the negotiations of constructing new social policies within an economic and social neoliberal hegemony?
By rethinking "trans" in its relation to the hemisphere, this conference seeks to move away from strictly comparative analyses by examining transmigrations across borders, cultural straddling, as well as problematizing and queering the concept of the Americas itself. How do migrations across the Americas queer national belonging? How does gender, sexuality, and desire shape circuits of labor and pleasure?
Attending to gender and sexuality in the Americas in this way opens new possibilities for inquiry into relations of heteronormativity, homonationalism and imperialism; peculiar socialities in local, national and transnational contexts; disruptions to conventional narratives of a panethnic Latino culture; transgressions and gender negotiations.In particular, we are interested in breaking down borders between U.S. American and Latin American studies, as well as exploring how sexuality and gender work to police borders and citizenship.
Possible topics include:
Trans Politics
Gendered Configurations of Cultural Memory
Encounters and "Des-encuentros"
Rights Discourse and the Pinkwashing of the Americas
Transnational Feminisms
Reproduction and Nationalism
Regulation and Policing of non-normativity
Social Histories of queer sexualities in the Americas
Territories of resistance and eco-feminism
Embodiment of borders
Xenopobia and criminality of immigrants
Politics of Translation
Colonial religion and sexuality
Sexuality and racial formation
Medicine and Sexual difference
Public health policies/ regulation of sex work
Heritage and performance of identity
Rethinking gender in diaspora studies
We welcome submissions in English, Spanish and Portuguese language. If you are interested in presenting, sharing or discussing, please send an email to: icporras@ucdavis.edu (subject line: Trans Americas CFP) by Friday, February 15 and indicate whether you would like to:
1. Present a paper (if so, please provide a title and brief abstract in the email body (250 words max))
2. Organize a panel (if so, please provide the panel title and a panel abstract with paper titles in the email body (400 words max))
2. Share work-in-progress as part of a roundtable workshop (if so, please summarize your line of inquiry or research interests in the email body (250 words max))
3. Present a performance (if so, please include a title, brief description of performance, and website if applicable in the email body)

"American Circuits, American Secrets" Conference

Organized panels and individual submissions are invited for the "American Circuits, American Secrets" Conference, Banff, Alberta, September 18-21, 2014. This conference is sponsored by the University of Alberta and will be held in conjunction with the 50th Anniversary meeting of the Canadian Association for American Studies. The deadline for proposals has been extended to February 14, 2014. Please consult the attached CFP, and see our submission guidelines at www.circuitsandsecrets.com

Athens Institute for Education and Research Conference

The Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER) organizes its 12th Annual International Conference on Communication and Mass Media, 12-15 May 2014, Athens, Greece. The conference website is: http://www.atiner.gr/media.htm

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Myrl Beam Practice Job Talk

Myrl Beam will present a practice job talk, "At the Limits of 'By and For': Space, Struggle, and the Non-Profitization of Queer Youth," on Friday, January 31st, at 3 pm, room 105 Scott Hall.

ICGC Brown Bag

ICGC Brown Bag this Friday, January 24, 2014 noon-1pm, 537 Heller Hall "District Six Revisited" Presented by: Ciraj Rassool, Department of History, University of the Western Cap. This is a lecture about the contradictions and tensions of the politics of urban social reconstruction in Cape Town's District Six in the two decades after the end of apartheid. Click here for more information.

ABSTRACT: This is a lecture about the contradictions and tensions of the politics of urban social reconstruction in Cape Town's District Six in the two decades after the end of apartheid. It is an analysis of the contests that are unfolding over land restitution, housing provision and urban gentrification, and especially as these challenges meet processes of civic activism, memory work and historical representation. This study looks at these challenges and disputes, analyses the forums and networks involved, as well as the systems and relations of knowledge caught up in these unfolding contradictions, as a contribution to understanding the remaking of a city with a deep colonial and apartheid past that continues to haunt it.
For the complete Spring 2014 ICGC event schedule, go to ICGC.umn.edu

Graduate Workshop in Modern History

The Graduate Workshop in Modern History (GWMH) is currently soliciting papers for its 2014 spring semester schedule. Click here for more information.

The Graduate Workshop in Modern History (GWMH) is currently soliciting papers for its 2014 spring semester schedule. If you have a seminar paper, dissertation chapter, MA thesis, or other project you would like to submit to a journal or present at a conference, the GWMH is a perfect place to receive useful and interdisciplinary feedback in an informal atmosphere.
Any papers that use historical methodology and focus on the modern period (very loosely defined as the early nineteenth century to the present) are welcome. The GWMH accepts papers from any geographic area and any discipline, and we value comparative and interdisciplinary work.
If you are interested in presenting, please email Emily Bruce (bruce088@umn.edu) and/or Ellen Manovich (manov003@umn.edu) and indicate:
1) a general time during the semester when you would prefer to present your paper (i.e. February, late spring, anytime, etc.). **This semester, the workshop will meet at 1:30 PM on Fridays.**
2) a working title for the paper you wish to present.
3) a list of 2 or 3 professors who might serve as the faculty commentator for your paper. Faculty commentators initiate discussion of the paper being discussed that week. The GWMH has been a venue where professors and graduate students who have mutual interests yet do not know each other can meet.
We look forward to a semester of interesting papers and conversation.

University of South Florida Postdoc

The University of South Florida is pleased to announce the sixth year of its Postdoctoral Scholars program in the Social Sciences and Humanities. The over-arching theme for this year's scholars is Global Change in a Dynamic World. The salary is $40,000 per year. For application information please click here.

The University of South Florida has embarked on an ambitious program to enhance its rising stature as a pre-eminent research university with state, national and global impact, and position itself for membership in the Association of American Universities through four key goals: (1) developing well-educated and highly skilled global citizens through our continuing commitment to student success; (2) fostering high-impact research and innovation to change lives, improve health, and sustainable development and positive social change; (3) sound financial management to establish a strong and sustainable economic base in support of USF's continued academic advancement and; (4) a highly effective, major economic engine, creating new partnerships to build a strong and sustainable future for Florida in the global economy. Details are available in the USF Strategic Plan (http://www.ods.usf.edu/plans/strategic/).
As part of this initiative, the University of South Florida is pleased to announce the sixth year of its Postdoctoral Scholars program in the Social Sciences and Humanities. The over-arching theme for this year's scholars is Global Change in a Dynamic World. Potential themes include (but are not limited to) sustainability; sustainable development; hazard and disaster management; climate change; population changes; technology and information issues; communication and language development; cultural diasporas; ethnicity, gender, and aging issues; cultural heritage and histories; citizenship; identity; health, economic, education, and environmental disparities; political economy; ethics; human rights; animal rights; peace and conflict studies; injury and violence; security and surveillance issues. Specific research and geographical areas are open, and applicants may consider both past and contemporary perspectives.
Postdoctoral Scholars will: (i) contribute to one or more of the priority goals of the strategic plan; (ii) work closely with distinguished faculty; (iii) participate in an interdisciplinary project with the cohort of postdoctoral scholars; (iv) teach two courses over a twelve-month period; and (v) continue to build an independent research record and engage in publishing refereed articles and creative scholarship.
Postdoctoral Scholars
At least two twelve-month postdoctoral scholarships will be awarded in Spring 2014 with appointments beginning August 11th, 2014, contingent on available funding. Appointments are for full time employment (40 hours per week) and will be continued for a maximum of 2 years contingent upon satisfactory performance. The salary is $40,000 per year and the University contributes to a health insurance program for postdoctoral scholars and their dependents. Support for travel to academic conferences will also be available. Scholars will be responsible for relocation and housing expenses.
Applicants must have a doctoral degree in one of the following disciplines: Anthropology; Communication; English; Geography, Environment and Planning; Government and International Affairs; History; Philosophy; Sociology, or an affiliated program, earned no earlier than 2011. Candidates who will have successfully defended their dissertations by May 1, 2014 will also be considered, however the doctoral degree must have been conferred prior to the first day of employment. Note: applicants must have received their doctoral degree from an institution other than the University of South Florida.
Letters of application and supporting material must include the following:
1. A cover letter stating your interest in this Postdoctoral Initiative. It must provide details on (i) how your research and teaching expertise would contribute to the theme of Global Change in a Dynamic World and the goals and aspirations of the USF Strategic Plan (http://www.ods.usf.edu/plans/strategic/); (ii) the department with which you would like to be affiliated; (iii) your teaching experience and courses that you would like to offer; and (iv) your long-term goals.
2. A Curriculum Vitae,
3. Two letters of reference,
4. Scanned copies of your published papers/scholarly works or book chapters (maximum of 2).
5. Scanned copy of your current academic transcript from your doctoral-granting institution.**
6. Copies of teaching evaluations.
Send all application materials to: postdoc@usf.edu
Final application submission deadline is Friday February 14th, 2014.
**Official transcripts will need to be supplied by those individuals who receive formal offers.
The University of South Florida is one of only three Florida public universities classified by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching in the top tier of research universities (RU/VH), a distinction attained by only 2.3% of all U.S. universities. USF is ranked 50th in the nation in total research expenditures and 30th in federal research expenditures for public universities by the National Science Foundation. The university is authorized to provide 241 degrees at the undergraduate, graduate, specialist and doctoral levels, including the doctor of medicine. USF ranks 10th among all universities granted U.S. patents in 2011 according to the Intellectual Property Owners Association, an increase of more than 3 percent from 2010. The University has a $1.5 billion annual budget, an annual economic impact of $3.2 billion, and serves more than 47,000 students on campuses in Tampa, St. Petersburg, and Sarasota-Manatee.
USF is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action, and Equal Access employer.
Departmental Websites:
· Anthropology: http://anthropology.usf.edu
· Communication: http://communication.usf.edu
· English: http://english.usf.edu
· Geosciences: http://gep.usf.edu/
· Government and International Affairs: http://gia.usf.edu/
· History: http://history.usf.edu
· Philosophy: http://philosophy.usf.edu/
· Sociology: http://sociology.usf.edu
Selection Criteria
1. Strength of research/creative scholarship record and demonstrated promise of a successful academic career.
2. Research and teaching experience in Global Change in a Dynamic World aligned with the goals of the USF Strategic Plan especially interdisciplinary inquiry, global initiatives, and community engagement.
3. Teaching experience and contributions that fit within USF programs.

Henry Roe Cloud Dissertation Fellowship

Please find notice below of the 5th Annual Henry Roe Cloud Dissertation Writing Fellowship for 2014-2015. Click here for more information: http://ygsna.sites.yale.edu/news/american-indian-studies-dissertation-writing-fellowship

Human Rights UC Berkeley Postdoc

The Human Rights Program at the University of California, Berkeley is accepting applications for a Postdoctoral Fellow/Lecturer position for the 2014-2015 academic year. Applications are due February 10, 2014. For additional information and instructions, please see the posting at https://aprecruit.berkeley.edu/apply/JPF00344

UCCNRS Postdoc

The University of California Center for New Racial Studies (UCCNRS) seeks a postdoctoral scholar whose research interests focus on the shifting dynamics of race and racism in the 21st century. February 1st is the application deadline. For more information please click here.

The Center seeks a Postdoctoral Scholar whose research interests focus on the shifting dynamic of race and racism in the 21st century.
This postdoctoral position offers substantial opportunity to develop the scholar's particular research program (about 50% time), consistent with the UCCNRS's broad interests and capability for mentoring. The position also requires a substantial commitment to program development within the UCCNRS.
This position offers the opportunity to advance the career of an academic researcher interested in a wide range of race/racism research topics, through interaction with faculty across the UC system (and across the disciplines). Position is for one year, beginning July 1, 2014 or September 1, 2014. Terminal degrees must be received by June 30, 2014.
For more information, please read the attached announcement.
The deadline for applications is February 1, 2014.
To learn more about the UC Center for New Racial Studies, please read our attached Fall 2013 newsletter.
Questions may be directed to cnrsgrants@newracialstudies.ucsb.edu.
UCCNRS Postdoctoral Scholar Announcement.pdf

DPDF Student Fellowship

The Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship (DPDF) Student Fellowship Competition is organized to help graduate students in the humanities and social sciences formulate effective research proposals through scholarly exchange within interdisciplinary areas of study and exploratory summer research. Deadline is February 3rd.

Research Fields
Students may apply to participate in one of the six interdisciplinary research fields offered this year, led by the following senior faculty:
· Immigrants and their Homeland Connections: Transnationalism in Historical Perspective, led by Roger Waldinger (Sociology, University of California, Los Angeles) and Nancy Green (History, Ecole des Hautes Etudes Sciences Sociales).
· Making the Biotech Body: Technologies, Knowledge, and Global Markets, led by Karen-Sue Taussig (Anthropology, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities) and Susan Lindee (History and Sociology of Science, University of Pennsylvania).
· Modernity and Autochthony: The Question of Land-Based Group Identity, led by Vincent Pecora (English, University of Utah) and Peter Geschiere (Anthropology, University of Amsterdam).
· Oceanic Studies: Seas as Sites and Subjects of Interdisciplinary Inquiry, led by Brenda Chalfin (Anthropology, University of Florida) and Gaurav Desai (English, Tulane University).
· State Building and Governance in Retrospect and Prospect, led by Andrew Schrank (Sociology & Political Science, University of New Mexico) and Marcus Kurtz (Political Science, Ohio State University).
· Development and Migration (International Field), led by Ron Skeldon (Geography, University of Sussex) and Josh DeWind (Program Director, SSRC).
Fellowship Terms
Fall Workshop in Cambridge
Student fellows must attend spring and fall workshops led by faculty research directors and conduct at least 6 weeks of summer research. The spring workshop prepares students to undertake summer research and familiarizes students with the interdisciplinary research field. The fall workshop helps students apply their summer research experiences to the development of their dissertation and funding proposals.
Students may apply for up to $5,000 to cover summer research costs. Travel and accommodations to attend both workshops are covered by the DPDF Program.
All research fields in this year's Student Fellowship Competition are open to pre-ABD doctoral students who are enrolled full time in PhD programs at accredited universities in the United States. The international field is also open to first year doctoral students enrolled in universities within the United Kingdom. Students in the humanities, social sciences, and related disciplines are welcome to apply. For more information on eligibility and selection criteria, please visit our website.
For further information regarding the program and how to apply, please visit our website at www.ssrc.org/programs/dpdf/.
Program staff are available at dpdf@ssrc.org to answer additional questions.

GLBTA Call for Submissions

GLBTA Programs is calling for submissions for the 2nd Annual Research Showcase highlighting research from U of M students, faculty and staff that relates to LGBTQIA identities and queer related work. For instructions on applying to the Showcase please visit: https://diversity.umn.edu/glbta/schochet Deadline for submissions is Feb. 7th.

Feminist Digital Pedagogies Conference

The Feminist Digital Pedagogies Conference will feature two days of conversations about digital humanities and the feminist implications of online teaching. Our conference keynote speakers include Alex Juhasz (Pitzer), Anne Balsamo (New School), and Adeline Koh (Richard Stockton College). Conference will live stream on January 23rd and 24th.

James Baldwin Review - Call for Papers

The Manchester University Press is pleased to announce the launching of the James Baldwin Review (JBR). We are now accepting submissions for publication in the inaugural issue of this annual journal. For more information: http://www.manchesteruniversitypress.co.uk/journals/jbr

UCSD Graduate Student Conference

UCSD is pleased to announce an inaugural graduate student conference in feminist and queer of color critique, which will take place May 2-3, 2014. Submissions are due February 1st.

FAQ: A Salon Series in Feminist and Queer of Color Critique - Graduate Student Conference
Dates: May 2-3, 2014
Location: University of California, San Diego
Keynote Speaker: Professor Sharon Holland, Duke University
UCSD is pleased to announce an inaugural graduate student conference in feminist and queer of color critique, which will take place May 2-3, 2014. The conference seeks to open dialogue about the intersections of women of color feminism and queer of color critique. We invite graduate students from UCSD and elsewhere to participate in our two day conference, with a keynote and a closing musical performance. We are honored to have Professor Sharon Holland from Duke University as our keynote speaker.
UCSD holds a particular legacy for generating prominent scholarship in queer of color critique and queer theory. Our interdepartmental working group, FAQ: A Salon Series for Feminist and Queer of Color Critique, hopes to interrogate the effect of this legacy on campus in its many divergent and changing facets in the work of current faculty and graduate students. This conference provides a setting for continued discussion.
For this inaugural conference, we engage "FAQs," frequently asked questions (or better yet queries), concerning the role of women of color feminism in queer of color critique. As Roderick Ferguson and Grace Hong have suggested in their recent introduction to the edited anthology, Strange Affinities, queer of color critique traces its lineage to women of color feminism as opposed to queer theory (Hong and Ferguson, Strange Affinities 2). At this conference, we hope to tease out this lineage further, by remaining attentive to the myriad feminisms that fall under women of color feminism, and to the continued active presence of women of color feminism as an academic field of inquiry.
In an effort to interrogate the convergences of women of color feminism and queer of color critique, we invite interested participants to consider the following topics:
Native feminism and queer indigenous studies
Postcolonial feminism and subaltern studies
Transnational studies and diaspora
Black feminism and the black Atlantic
Chicana feminism
The place of archival and historical records
Literary and artistic form
Activism, community, and grass-roots organizing
Submissions: Please submit a 250 word abstract to: faq.ucsd@gmail.com by February 1, 2014. Please email or see our website for further questions/updates: http://faqucsd.wordpress.com/
FAQ is sponsored by: Cross Cultural Center; Department of Critical Gender Studies; Department of Ethnic Studies; Department of Literature; LGBT Resource Center; The Vice Chancellor for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion; Women's Center