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Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Fall 2017 Office Hours and Syllabi

FALL 2017 INSTRUCTORS & TAs: Please submit a copy of your course syllabi and the day(s) and time(s) you will be holding office hours for the semester to Zac at rakke001@umn.edu by Friday, September 1st.

Cultural Critique Journal Spring 2018 RA Position

THE CULTURAL CRUTIQUE JOURNAL is hiring a new assistant editor to start Spring 2018. This position will be a 25% Graduate Research Assistant appointment for UofM PhD Candidates. Click here for more information and to apply.

SAVE THE DATE: American Studies Welcome Back Potluck: Sat. Sept. 30 10am-3pm

SAVE THE DATE: American Studies will be hosting its annual Welcome Back event on Saturday, September 30 from 10:00am - 3:00pm at Wabun A Picnic Shelter at Minnehaha Regional Park. More details to follow.

New Student Worker: Mara O'Hara

PLEASE WELCOME Mara O'Hara who will be American Studies new Front Office Student Worker for the academic year. Mara is from Westborough, Massachusetts and a current undergraduate student at the University of Minnesota. She is a member of the University Honors Program pursuing a degree in mathematics in the College of Liberal Arts. She plans to follow up her bachelor's degree with graduate school. Outside of the Office of American Studies, she spends her time playing recreational tennis and embracing the Gopher lifestyle. Her first day will be Tuesday, September 5th so please stop by and introduce yourself when you have time!

TA Orientation on Aug. 28th, 1 - 4 PM and Teaching Enrichment on Aug. 30th & 31st

GRAD STUDENTS: As a reminder, if you have not previously attended TA Orientation you are required to do so prior to beginning a TA position for the Department.  Training, put on by the U's "Center for Educational Innovation" (CIE), is being held Monday, August 28, 1:00pm to 4:00pm in Rapson room 100.  Those who have previously attended and would like a refresher are welcome as well.  Please click
here for more info and to register: https://cei.umn.edu/calendar/events/new-ta-orientation-1

ADDITIONALLY, the department requires grad students, prior to beginning a TA position, to also attend the CEI's Teaching Enrichment Series, held this year on August 30 and 31.  You must register for at least two of the Teaching Enrichment Series workshops, though you're encouraged to attend as many as possible.  Those who have attended in past years and would like a refresher are welcome as well.  Note: one of the presenters, Anita Gonzalez, is an AMST PhD alum.   Click here for more info & full schedule of sessions: https://cei.umn.edu/courses-programs/teaching-enrichment-series

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Prof. Prell Lecture on Sept. 6 at 7:30pm

EMERITUS PROF. RIV-ELLEN PRELL will be delivering the opening lecture for the Center for Jewish Studies Annual Lecture Series. The lecture is titled “A Campus Divided: Confronting the Racist, Anti-Semitic, and Red-Baiting Politics of the University of Minnesota from 1930-1942” and will be held on Wednesday, September 6 at 7:30pm at the Temple Israel on 2323 Fremont Ave. S. Click here for more information

Open Spring AMST Teaching Positions

AMERICAN STUDIES has several instructor and section leader positions open for Spring 2018. The courses with instructor openings are AMST 1012 and 2031 and the course with a section leader opening is AMST 3252W. Please contact Angela (bran0487@umn.edu) if you are ABD, not on fellowship, and interested.

The class times are:

AMST 1012 - U.S. on an Immigration Planet  - TTH 11:15-12:30
AMST 2031 - Chasing the American Dream - TTH 11:15-12:30
AMST 3252W - Discussion sections M 10:10-11 and T 11:15-12:05 (Class meets TTH 9:45-11 with Bianet Castellanos)

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts PreDocs

THE CENTER for ADVANCED STUDY in the VISUAL ARTS has several predoctoral fellowships for the 2018-2019 school year. One is specifically for Historians of American Art to travel abroad and the others are broadly for students in the history, theory, and criticism of art, architecture, urbanism, and photographic media. Click here for more information about the various fellowships and to apply.

AFRO/ENGL 3598W 25% TA

THE DEPARTMENT of ENGLISH is looking for a 25% TA for AFRO/ENGL 3598W – Introduction to African American Literature and Culture I taught by Prof. John Wright on Tu/TH from 11:15am – 1:10pm. The course meets Literature Core and Writing Intensive requirements and Historically-Oriented Literature Course requirement for the English major. Candidates with previous Writing Intensive teaching experience are preferred. If you are interested in the appointment or would like to no more please contact John Wright (wrigh003@umn.edu).