Torske Klubben Fellowship Program | Application Deadline Varies
The Torske Klubben, founded in 1933, is a Minneapolis luncheon club for individuals of Norwegian heritage who are deeply interested in Norway and Norwegian-American history and relationships. The organization funds University of Minnesota graduate fellowships for Norwegian citizens, as well as this award for Minnesota residents who have an interest in or connection with Norway and/or its culture. The overarching goal of the fellowship program is supporting future leaders.
If you have questions regarding graduate fellowships or awards, please contact
New Doctoral Program to Explore Indigenous Studies
Next year the Department of American Studies will offer a new program that will allow doctoral students to pursue indigenous studies. The program is part of Creating Inclusive Cohorts, a larger initiative by the Graduate School Diversity Office to promote diversity. "It’s our hope that this pilot program will increase and enhance the training experience of these students when they are together as a group," said Yoji Shimizu, associate dean of graduate education and director of the Graduate School Diversity Office.
Graduate Students Raise Concern Over Lack of Transparency of Student Fees
The Council of Graduate Students has received multiple complaints from students saying that appointment letters sent to graduate assistants and potential assistants from certain departments didn’t mention mandatory student fees. The letters are required to include this information, according to an Office of Human Resources policy. OHR does not monitor whether or not letters comply with the policy, said Scott Lanyon, vice provost and dean of graduate education. He said the policy is often overlooked because many of the letters are written by individual departments, adding that graduate assistant appointment letters are not treated like other employment offer letters because they are intended for students.
#UMNdriven Spotlight
Have a U of M story to share? Submit to the #UMNdriven Spotlight page to be featured on UMN social media channels. You can also nominate stories to be featured.
Register for University Fitness Classes by January 23rd
Sign up for a variety of fitness classes, $129 each, and 150 Wellbeing Points each. Classes run 1/28 - 3/28.
Cross-Sector Approaches to Combating Climate Change
Thursday, December 6, 2018 | 5:00-8:00 p.m. | Humphrey Forum
The event will consist of a panel discussion between various representatives from differing industry/academic sectors on collaboration to combat environmental and climate change from a development perspective. Will be followed by a reception, including a meal and an opportunity to network. Download Event Flyer (JPEG)
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN is pleased to announce their call for papers for their 2019 U.S. History Graduate Student Conference, “Making History Public(s): Presenting the Collective,” on May 10-11, 2019. Scholars working in all periods of American history are welcome. Submissions are due by Sunday, January 28, 2019. For more information, click here.
LA RAZA AND CHICANO LATINO STUDIES are hosting Destress Mi Corazon on Wednesday, December 5 at 5:00 PM in Coffman Union Room 211. For more information, click here.
THE ANTHROPOLOGY DEPARTMENT is offering ANTH 3047WAnthropology of Sex, Gender, and Sexuality, ANTH 3049WAnthropology of Social Class, ANTH 3145W/5045WUrban Anthropology, ANTH 3980Queering Capitalism, and ANTH 4003Contemporary Perspectives in Cultural Anthropology. For more information on these courses, click the course titles.
THE SPANISH AND PORTUGUESE DEPARTMENT is co-sponsoring the 70th International Human Rights Day Commemoration on Monday, December 10 at 5:30 PM at SEIU Local 26 (825 18th Ave NE.) The commemoration of Human Rights Daywill mark seventy years since the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. For more information, click here.
THE AMERICAN INDIAN STUDENT CULTURAL CENTER is co-sponsoring an End of the Year Social on Thursday, December 13 from 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM in Scott Hall Room 105. For more information, click here.
THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT DALLAS invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor of U.S. History, specializing in Women’s and/or Gender History, any period. Applicants should have a PhD. For more information, click here.