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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Myrl Beam & Steve Dillon will workshop ASA papers at the Graduate Student Workshop series Monday, Sept. 26 3:30pm

The first American Studies graduate student workshop of the semester will be held on Monday, Sept. 26, from 3:30 - 5:00pm in the Scott Hall Commons, room 105. All faculty and graduate students are encouraged to attend. Myrl Beam and Steve Dillon will workshop papers that will be presented at the ASA Meeting in October. Beam's paper, "Numbers and Knowing: Framing 'Human Trafficking' at a Gay Non-Profit", explores alignments between the state and queer anti-violence organization. Dillon's presentation, "We Dream Otherwise: Race, the Neoliberal-Carceral State, and the End of the Future", enters the debate in queer studies about hope and the future by considering the forms of hope that neoliberalism and the prison rested upon the 1970s United States. The annual fall department potluck will immediately follow this event.

Graduate students are encouraged to use this opportunity to share their work with each other and with faculty. The series was created to provide a venue for students to receive feedback on their work including, but not limited to, conference papers, practice job talks, parts of chapters, parts of course research papers
Students interested in presenting at one of the fall workshops should contact Melanie (stein196@umn.edu) by Friday, September 9 and indicate, generally, the type of work you would like to present.
The workshops for fall semester are scheduled for Monday, September 26th and Monday, November 28th, each at 3:30-5:00pm in the Scott Hall Commons, room 105.