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Monday, October 7, 2013

Minneapolis Mayoral Candidate Forum

A Minneapolis Mayoral Candidate Forum will be held Wednesday, October 9th in Nicholson 275 from 6:00 PM-8:00PM. The name of the forum is Young and Unheard: A mayoral candidate forum led by the Young and Unheard voices of Minneapolis. This will be an opportunity to hear what the mayoral candidates' plans are regarding civil rights and social justice issues in Minneapolis.

These include: disparities in education, wealth, incarceration, and much more. If there is a social justice issue you are passionate about, go and ask! Don Samuels, Cam Winton, and Betsy Hodges have all confirmed their participation!
To submit your question, join the event on facebook here: http://tinyurl.com/kk46xdp. You have to be at the event to ask your question.