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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Dr. David Noble Presenting at Macalester College - May 7, 2010

Dr. David Noble will present to The Institute of Theological And Interdisciplinary Studies on May 7, 2010 at Macalester College at 7:30 p.m. The announced topic of the evening is: The Dangerous Orthodoxy of Two Worlds. This event is free and open to the public.

Dr. David Noble Presenting at Macalester College - May 7, 2010
David Noble has watched with a very keen eye the changes in our world for more than half a century and has illuminated these historic changes and developments for students at the University of Minnesota. His teaching has been synonymous with American Studies.
Dr. Noble will present to The Institute of Theological And Interdisciplinary Studies May 7, 2010 at the Board Room, Macalester College 7:30 p.m. Information reservation http://www.astonishme.org. Free and open to public.
The announced topic of the evening is: The Dangerous Orthodoxy of Two Worlds