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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

University of Birmingham Fellowships

The University of Birmingham will be providing 50 fellowships that will be available across the University's disciplines. Fellows will receive start-up, development and mentoring support and their work will be research focused with opportunities to teach, which could lead to full time appointments after the 5 year term. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis, but the first deadline is 1 September 2011. Continue reading for more information.

University of Birmingham Fellowships
Birmingham Fellowships will be available across the University's disciplines, with priority areas identified on our website.
Fellows will receive start-up, development and mentoring supportand their work will be research focused with opportunities toteach, including PhD supervision. At the end of five years, Fellowswho have excelled will be offered a permanent academic post.
Candidates must demonstrate outstanding academic achievement intheir discipline and an accelerating record of publications ofinternational or world-leading quality. They should be on atrajectory to become research leaders. Candidates who will bring funded external fellowships are particularly welcome and will befast tracked.
Salary will normally be £36,862 to £49,539 (Grade 8), although inexceptional cases appointments may be made at a higher grade. We welcome applications from Clinical Scientists.
Applications will be considered on a rolling basis, but the first deadline for applicants without external funding is 1 September 2011.
For further information and to apply to be a Birmingham Fellow, visit http://www.birmingham.ac.uk/birminghamfellows ; or for further information, contact us at birminghamfellows@contacts.bham.ac.uk