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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

CFP: Minnesota Disability Studies Symposium

The Minnesota Disability Studies Symposium is accepting papers for this year's theme "Perspectives: Past, Present and Future of Disability Studies." The symposium will be held July 27-28, 2012 at the University of Minnesota. Submission deadline: May 30th, 2012. Click here for more info.

PCard Receipts Due

Please submit receipts for all April PCard purchases to Laura by Tuesday, May 1st.

Click here for a blank coversheet.

Course Evaluations Distributed

Spring Instructors and TAs: Evaluation forms and instructions have been distributed to mailboxes for all instructors and TAs leading sections this semester. If you have any questions, please contact Laura.

Horrigan's Talk on "Charles Lindbergh's The Spirit of St. Louis"

Brian Horrigan from The Minnesota Historical Society will present "Charles Lindbergh's The Spirit of St. Louis: Masculinity, Memory, and Spirituality in Postwar America" on Thursday, May 3rd at 4:00pm in room 125 Nolte Center. Click here for more info.

Danielle McGuire lecture at Carleton College

Join Carleton College for a public lecture on Tuesday, May 8th 12:00 - 1:00pm by Danielle McGuire on her book At the Dark End of the Street: Black Women, Rape, and Resistance - A New History of the Civil Rights Movement from Rosa Parks to the Rise of Black Power. The lecture will begin at 12:00pm and will be held in room 305 Leighton Hall.

Danielle McGuire is an award-winning author and Assistant Professor at Wayne State University. At the Dark End of the Street won the 2011 Frederick Jackson Turner Award, the 2011 Julia Cherry Spruill Prize, and the 2011 Lillian Smith Book Award. McGuire is a Distinguished Lecturer for the Organization of American Historians and has appeared on CNN, CBS, Fox2 Detroit, National Public Radio, BookTV (CSPAN), and dozens of local radio stations throughout the United States and Canada. Her essays have appeared in the Journal of American History, on the Huffington Post, TheGrio.com and TheRoot.com.
There will a brief book signing before and after the talk.

Dean Spade Lecture at Macalester College

Dean Spade will present a lecture "Critical Trans Politics and the Limits of Law?" on Tuesday, May 1st at the Macalester College John B. Davis Lecture Hall. Reception will begin at 5:30, and the lecture will start at 6:00pm. Click here for more info.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

"Work of American Studies" Workshop Series: Careers in and out of the Academy Monday, April 30th

Please join us on Monday, April 30th at 3:30pm in the Scott Hall Commons for the final "Work of American Studies" workshop on planning for careers in and out of the academy. Workshop Participants include Jennifer Pierce, who will talk about planning for academic careers, Dr. Ilene Alexander (Center for Teaching and Learning), who has a PhD in American Studies from the University of Iowa and will address strategies and resources for planning for nonacademic career tracks, and Kate Roberts, Senior Exhibit Developer at the Minnesota Historical Society, who will discuss work in public history and public humanities. We will devote much of the time to discussing graduate student questions and concerns. If you want to suggest specific questions or topics to be covered at the workshop, please e-mail them to Kevin Murphy (kpmurphy@umn.edu). This workshop will be relevant to students at all stages in the program.

Cartwright Awarded 2012 Gregory Sprague Prize

Ryan Lee Cartwright, PhD '12, has been awarded the 2012 Gregory Sprague Prize of the American Historical Association's Committee on LGBT History for his article "Sissies, Strumpets, and Queer Old Maids: Eugenic Family Studies and the Perversion of the Rural Idyll." Click here for more info.

COMM 8210 Fall 2012

COMM 8210 "Media Ethnography" " will be taught this fall 2012 by Mark Pedelty on Wednesdays from 2:30 to 5:30pm. Click here for a course syllabus.

CEHD Diversity Dialogue

Join the College of Education on Tuesday, April 24th at 12:00pm in Peik Hall room 40 for the Curriculum and Instruction Diversity Dialogue about the Common Ground Consortium (CGC), one of CEHD's prestigious programs, and its success in supporting African-American Students in obtaining an advanced degree. Click here for more info.

Tucker Center Distingushed Lecture "Title IX at 40: Changes, Challenges, and Champions"

The University of Minnesota's Tucker Center announces its Spring 2012 Distinguished Lecture, taking place on Monday, April 23rd, at the Hubert H. Humphrey Center on Monday, April 23rd at the Hubert H. Humphrey Center on the West Bank Campus from 7:00-9:00pm. This free lecture titled "Title IX at 40: Changes, Challenges, and Champions" will feature three Title IX champions, Peg Brenden, Judith M. Sweet, and Deborah Brake. Click here for more info.

Gender Justice Week continues through Sunday April 22nd

The 3rd Annual Gender Justice Week at the University of Minnesota focuses on liberating all our genders, bodies and multiple identities through racial, economic, dis/ability, sexuality and gender justice work continues through Sunday, April 22nd. Continue reading for more info on upcoming events.

Organized by the GLBTA Programs Office and Transgender Commission in collaboration with the Queer Student Cultural Center, Women's Student Activist Collective, Aurora Center, Women's Center, IDEA, MN Psychological Association, MN Queer Science, GWSS, and Steven J. Schochet Endowment!
Info also located on our website at http://www.glbta.umn.edu. Thank you!
Gender Justice Week Events: April 15-20, 2012
Click here for a full list of the week's past and upcoming events. See below for upcoming events.
*GenderF*Kation Film Screening + Panel
Wed, April 18, 4:00 PM
Bell Museum Auditorium
Genderf*kation: A Gender Emancipation is the story of six people and their journey through the social, religious and political landscapes of a society that struggles to understand or allow for gender transgression. This documentary film breaks through gender stereotypes and historical gender ideologies to liberate our bodies, minds and spirits from our own social gender dysphoria. Although it is based in Minnesota, the subject matter has no borders. Forget everything you think you know about gender and experience a GENDERF*KATION! After the film, a panel discussion will take place with the filmmakers and people in the movie (including our very own Alex and Remy) -- plus free food! For more information, please contact TransCom@umn.edu.
*Amy Andre: Bi & Trans* Health Disparities (updated)
Thurs, April 19, 4:00 PM
Smith Hall 331
We use man different words to describe the rainbow of our sexual identities. Straight or heterosexual are the most common, followed by bisexual, then gay, then lesbian, then other terms, like pansexual, queer, omnisexual, fluid, asexual, and many more. In this talk, bi author and health activist Amy Andre will be presenting research on how race, gender, and health intersect and interact with sexual identity language, especially for those of us who identify as bi and/or have sexual relationships with partners of multiple genders. Did you know that bi-identified people make up the largest group in the LGB population, and have poorer health than heterosexuals, gays, and lesbians? Together, we'll answer questions such as: Why do these health disparities exist? What can we do about them - and about other sexual health disparities? And, how can we create a world of optimal health and wellness for people of all sexualities?
Nationally renowned writer, speaker and activist Amy Andre is regarded as an expert on the topics of bisexual identity and health disparities faced by LGBTQ people, Amy has been featured on PBS, and in Cosmopolitan, the San Francisco Chronicle, the Washington Blade, and the Advocate, among many other news sources. Free and open to the public. Everyone is welcome! For more information, please contact TransCom@umn.edu.
*Feminist Perspectives on the Psychology of Same Sex Marriage
Thurs, April 19, 7:00-9:00 PM
Mayo Memorial Building 3-100
Lisa Diamond, Beverly Green, and Glenda Russell will discuss their research and clinical perspectives on marriage equality and the marriage amendment. All three are nationally renowned researchers, authors, psychologists, and teachers. Their specialties are in GLBT concerns and they will speak about women's issues, sexual orientation, ethnic and cultural diversity, and feminism and marriage. Co-sponsored with the Women's Center, Minnesota Psychological Association (Women's and Multicultural Divisions), Program in Human Sexuality, and MN Women in Psychology. For more information, please contact 952-564-3048 or visit www.mnpsych.org.
*Minnesota Queer Science Lunch
Fri, April 20, Noon-1:30 PM
St. Paul Student Center - South Field
Got Geek? Minnesota Queer Science is a network of GLBTQ and allied folks from all fields of science, engineering, technology and mathematics. If a room full of awesome queer folks and geeky humor is what you've been looking for, join us! For more information, please contact mnqsci@gmail.com.
*Gender Violence in Communities of Color
Fri, April 20, 2:00-3:30 PM
Murphy Hall 130
This discussion will explore some of the challenges of addressing gender violence in communities of color and offer some ways that everyone can take action and bring about change. Co-sponsored with the Women's Center, Gender Women & Sexuality Studies and The Aurora Center. For more information, please contact women@umn.edu.
*20th Anniversary
BECAUSE: Midwest Bisexuality Conference
April 20-22, 2012
Metropolitan State University, St. Paul
The BECAUSE Conference is an annual event for bisexuals, queers, non-monosexuals, the bi-curious or questioning, and allies of all sexual or gender identities. This year marks the big 20th Anniversary celebration -- check out all the incredible speakers, workshops, entertainment, registration information and more at www.becauseconference.org!

Gigi Roggero Book Presentation

Join the Department of Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature for a presentation by Gigi Roggero of his book The Production of Living Knowledge: The Crisis of the University and the Transformation of Labor in Europe and North America (Temple University Press). The event will begin at 5pm on Tuesday, April 24th in room 325 Nicholson Hall.

The Production of Living Knowledge, recently translated into English, is a timely analysis of the neoliberal university in the context of the global economic crisis, the trend towards "cognitive capitalism," and recent global struggles around higher education. Roggero's presentation will be followed with a response by Professor Cesare Casarino and a discussion with the audience of both the presentation and the introduction to the book (see attached). Light refreshments will be served.
Gigi Roggero is a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Politics, Institutions, and History at the University of Bologna. He is a member of the editorial board of WorkingUSA, and the collectives Edu-factory and Uninomade and a regular contributor to Il Manifesto. He is the author of Intelligenze fuggitive: Movimenti contro l'università-azienda , and co-author (with Guido Borio and Francesca Pozzi) of Futuro anteriore: Dai "Quaderni Rossi" ai movimenti globali: Ricchezze e limiti dell'operaismo italiano.
Event details:
Tuesday, April 24
Nicholson 325
This event has been made possible by the generous support of the Department of Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Pierce Distinguished Teaching Award Ceremony

Pierce Celebration and Registration reminder: Registration is now open for the 2011-12 Distinguished Teaching Awards. Professor Jennifer Pierce received the Outstanding Contributions to Postbaccalaureate, Graduate, and Professional Education Award, and will be honored at the ceremony and reception set for Monday, April 23rd at 3:30pm, at the McNamara Alumni Center. The Alumni Association is requesting registration for the event. Click here for more information and to register.

"Work of American Studies" Workshop on Careers Rescheduled to Monday, April 30th at 3:30pm

Rescheduled Workshop: The next "Work of American Studies" series workshop on Careers has been rescheduled to Monday, April 30th at 3:30pm. We rescheduled the workshop so that graduate students and faculty will be able to attend the award ceremony for Professor Pierce (see "People"). A description of the workshop will appear in the digest next week.

"After Culture: The Ontological Turn and an Aestheics of Method and Measure"

"After Culture: The Ontological Turn and an Aestheics of Method and Measure" will be presented by Patricia Tincineto Clough on Friday, April 13th at 4pm in room 135 Nicholson Hall.

The Theory Reading Group, 20/21c Research Group, and Undergraduate Theory Reading Group, in collaboration with the department of Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature (CSCL), are excited to announce an event that is coming up on Friday, April 13th (4:00pm, Nicholson Hall, Rm 135) with Patricia Ticineto Clough. Details of her talk are below, and there will be free pizza.
After Culture: The Ontological Turn and an Aesthetics of Method and Measure
Following the work of a new cohort of philosophers, critical science studies and media studies scholars, Patricia Clough rethinks the ontology of matter that is putting us after culture and cultural construction. She argues that in the afterward of culture, method and measure are transformed, coming into contact with affect and an aesthetic of beauty.
Patricia Ticineto Clough is professor of Sociology and Women's Studies at the Graduate Center and Queens College of the City University of New York. She is author of Autoaffection: Unconscious Thought in the Age of Teletechnology (2000); Feminist Thought: Desire, Power and Academic Discourse (1994) and The End(s) of Ethnography: From Realism to Social Criticism (1998). She is editor of The Affective Turn: Theorizing the Social, (2007) and with Craig Willse, editor of Beyond Biopolitics: Essays on the Governance of Life and Death (2011). Clough's work has drawn on theoretical traditions concerned with technology, affect, unconscious processes, timespace and political economy. More recently she has been creating performance pieces that draw on her work in Corona. These bring together sound and images with theoretical and autobiographical discourses. Her ongoing research project, Ecstatic Corona: Philosophy and Family Violence, is an ethnographic and historically researched experimental writing project about where she grew up in Queens, New York.

Market Freedom and Adversarial Adjudication presentation

Amalia Kessler from Stanford Law School will present the attached draft, Market Freedom and Adversarial Adjudication, at the next public law workshop, to be held on Thursday, April 12 in room 471 (Mondale Hall) from 4:05 to 6:00pm. Click here for more info.

Erikson Graduate Fellowship summer 2012

The Program in Law and History invites applications for the Erikson Graduate Fellowship in Law and History for summer 2012. The Fellowship will provide a summer stipend of $4,000 and up to $500 for research expenses for 2012 will support summer research in legal history by a student currently enrolled in either the Law School or a graduate program in CLA at the University of Minnesota. Students receiving other University fellowships during the period are ineligible, as are students holding summer teaching appointments. Application deadline: 12pm, Noon on Friday, April 27th, 2012.

Description: The Program in Law and History is an interdisciplinary collaborative of faculty and law and graduate students interested in questions that address law in historical perspective. The Program includes a year-long workshop/colloquium, an annual distinguished lecture, a range of courses cross-listed in Law and History, and the fellowship announced here to support summer research by a student.
The Erickson Graduate Fellowship in Law and History is made possible by a generous gift from Kristine S. Erickson (Law, class of 1972) and Ronald A. Erickson (Law, class of 1960). The Fellowship for 2012 will support summer research in legal history by a University of Minnesota law student or graduate student in History or a related field. The Fellow will be expected to present from his/her summer research at the Legal History Workshop in Fall 2012/Spring 2013 and to participate in the activities of the Program in Law and History for the 2012-13 academic year. The Fellowship provides a summer stipend of $4,000 and up to $500 for research expenses.
Eligibility: Applicants must be currently enrolled in either the Law School or a graduate program in the College of Liberal Arts at the University of Minnesota. Students receiving other University of Minnesota fellowships during the period are ineligible, as are students holding summer teaching appointments.
Application Procedure and Requirements:
1) 1-2 page research proposal (single-spaced, 12 point, Times New Roman), including a specific description of the project's significance for legal history, the work the student will accomplish for the summer, and the expected outcome of the summer's work (e.g., conference paper, scholarly article, dissertation chapter, etc.);
2) a curriculum vitae;
3) a University of Minnesota law/graduate transcript; and
4) a confidential letter of recommendation from advisor or other faculty member familiar with your research (in a sealed envelope with date and faculty signature across the seal).
Application Deadline: All materials must be submitted in a single packet by the candidate no later than noon, Friday, April 27, 2012 (announcement of the award will be made by May 7).
Selection Criteria:
- the quality and significance of the scholarship for the field of legal history;
- demonstrated interest in legal history and the program in law and history;
- evidence that the student is making timely progress toward degree.
Submit Materials to:
Professor Susanna Blumenthal, Director,
Program in Law and History,
University of Minnesota Law School,
229 19th Ave. South, Minneapolis, MN 55455

Postdoc in Women's Studies at University of Houston

The Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies Program at the University of Houston invites applications for a Postdoctoral Fellowship in Women's Studies, to begin in the Fall Semester 2012. This may become a tenure-track position. The initial appointment will be for one year, with the possibility of renewal for a second, and salary will be $40,000 with full benefits. Applicants must hold a PhD degree at the time of the appointment. Application deadline: April 27, 2012. Click here for full details.

Newberry Graduate Scholar-in-Residence Program

The Newberry Graduate Scholar-in-Residence program invites students who have advanced to PhD candidacy to apply for the 2012-13 program. Preference will be given to candidates whose dissertation projects are well advanced and who demonstrate a need for Newberry collections in their dissertation projects. Selected students will be provided with research carrels, access to the Newberry during extended hours, and opportunities to present their work-in-progress to the Newberry's scholarly community. Application deadline: May 1st, 2012. Click here for full details.


The Midwest Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association is accepting papers, abstracts and panel proposals for the 2012 annual conference for research related to popular culture and American culture. The conference will be held in Columbus, Ohio beginning Friday, October 12th through Sunday, October 14th, 2012. Submission deadline: April 30, 2012. Click here for more info.

Faculty Forum on Open Research and Learning

The University Libraries' Scholarly Communications Collaborative and the Research Services Support Collaborative, with support from the Department of Anthropology, are hosting a faculty forum on Monday, April 30th in the Cowles Auditorium in the Humphrey Center from 2:00-4:00pm. The event "Open Research and Learning: Collaboration, Connections, and Communities" will feature four speakers discussing virtual research communities, open publishing, open data and open textbooks. For more information, presentation descriptions and online registration, please click here.

Jewish Studies Colloquium Series presents Borinsky's Talk

Join the Jewish Studies Colloquium Series for Alicia Borinsky's talk "How Did You Get Here? Jewish Self Invention and the Culture of Exile" on Thursday, April 19, 2012 from 12:00-1:30pm in room 325 Nicholson Hall.

Alicia Borinsky will focus on the Diaspora and its tales of displacement and integration.
Alicia Borinsky is a scholar, novelist poet who writes in English and in Spanish. She has won prestigious awards, such as the Latino Award for Fiction and a Guggenheim Fellowship, and is the author of several books and numerous articles published in Latin America, the United States and Europe. Her most recent book titles are: Frivolous Women and Other Sinners/Frívolas y pecadoras (Chicago: Swan Isle Press, 2010) and One -Way Tickets: Writers and the Culture of Exile (San Antonio: Trinity University Press, 2011). She has taught at Johns Hopkins, Brown, Washington University in St.Louis and Harvard. Currently she is Professor of Latin American and Comparative Literature and Director of the Cultural Studies Program in Buenos Aires at Boston University.
This Event is Free & Open to the Public
A Light Lunch will be Provided
Co-sponsored by: UofM Department of Spanish and Portuguese Studies, Institute for Global Studies,Institute for Advanced Study, Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies,English Department, Department for Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies
Nicholson Hall is located at 216 Pillsbury Dr SE on the East Bank of the Minneapolis campus. For more information, please contact The Center for Jewish Studies at: 612-624-4914 or by e-mail at jwst@umn.edu.
Click here for an event flyer.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Noble Lecture featuring Ricardo Dominguez on Tuesday, April 17th

The 18th Annual David Noble lecture featuring Professor Ricardo Dominguez will be held Tuesday, April 17th at 5pm in the Influx Room, Regis Center for Art. Prof. Dominguez will present the lecture "Contestational Design: Tactical Poetics and Strategic Aesthetics".

Click here for an event flier.

TALK: For Electronic Disturbance Theater 2.0/b.a.n.g. lab the border is a shape shifting and performing system that can manifest other potential spaces of use and poetics beyond what it intends or imagines as "security" or "immuniz(N)ation." We have sought to create different types of contestational art that allows us to develop an aesthetics of border disturbances that constitute a visible geo-ethics against the boundaries and the borderless borders that are crisscrossing every single body on the planet: we call for an geo-aesthetics that starts at the nanoscale and flows up to the GPS (Global Position System) grid system that floats around the planet; we call for a aesthetics that connects both the human and the inhuman; we call for an geo-aesthetics that crosses into and dislocates the smooth space of geo-spatial mobility with ethical objects for multiple forms of sustenance. Our work attempts to construct an aesthetic imaginary attuned to the performative complexities for the new earths to come, that can touch new geographies for new bodies - transbodies with transborder rights. The key practices that both fractalize and invent this geo-aesthetics are: artivism, tactical poetries, hacktivism(s), new media theater, border disturbance art/technologies, augmented realities, speculative cartographies, queer technologies, transnational feminisms and code, digital Zapatistismo, dislocative gps, and intergalactic performances. The presentation will seek to establish the potential methods for designing contestation as dislocation, reconfiguration and reparation of globalization-as-borders.
BIO: Ricardo Dominguez is a co-founder of The Electronic Disturbance Theater (EDT), a group who developed Virtual-Sit-In technologies in 1998 in solidarity with the Zapatista communities in Chiapas, Mexico. His recent Electronic Disturbance Theater project with Brett Stabaum, Micha Cardenas, Dr. Amy Sara Carroll (University of Michigan), and Elle Mehrman, the *Transborder Immigrant Tool* (a GPS cellphone safety net tool for crossing the Mexico/U.S border was the winner of "Transnational Communities Award" (2008), this award was funded by *Cultural Contact*, Endowment for Culture Mexico - U.S. and handed out by the U.S. Embassy in Mexico), also funded by CALIT2 and two Transborder Awards from the UCSD Center for the Humanities. *Transborder Immigrant Tool* was exhibited at 2010 California Biennial(OCMA), Toronto Free Gallery, Canada (2010), the project was also under investigation by the U.S. Congress in 2009/10, and was also reviewed by Glenn Beck in 2010 as a gesture that potentially "dissolved" the U.S. border with its poetry. Ricardo is an Associate Professor at UCSD in the Visual Arts Department, a Hellman Fellow, and Principal/Principle Investigator at CALIT2 (http://bang.calit2.net). He also co-founder of *particle group*, with artists Diane Ludin, Nina Waisman, Amy Sara Carroll, an art project about nano-toxicology entitled *Particles of Interest: Tales of the Matter Market* that has been presented in Berlin (2007), the San Diego Museum of Art (2008), Oi Futuro, and FILE festivals in Brazil (2008), CAL NanoSystems Institute, UCLA (2009), Medialab-Prado, Madrid (2009), and Nanosferica, NYU (2010).

Wiggins presents at Grad School's Doctoral Research Showcase

Ben Wiggins will present his research at the Graduate School's fifth annual Doctoral Research Showcase on Tuesday, April 17, 2012 from 12:00-2:00pm in the Great Hall at Coffman Memorial Union. Hear and meet top recipients of the 2011-12 doctoral fellowships. Students will present their work in science, medicine, engineering, social sciences, and the humanities. For full details and a list of other participants, click here.

PhD Candidate Admin Fellow Position Open with the Office for National & international Scholarships

The Office for National and International Scholarships is accepting applications for a PhD Candidate Administrative Fellow who will assist with advising undergraduates about nationally competitive scholarship opportunities, including the Fulbright and NSF Graduate Research Fellowships. The appointment is for August 2012 and the 2012-13 academic year and is a 25% time position. Applicants must be a University of Minnesota graduate student who is approved for advanced doctoral status for the duration of the appointment. Screening of applications will begin on April 11, 2012. For full requirements and position details, click here and search by requisition #177310.

IDEA Spring Lecture 4/17

The Institute for Diversity, Equity, and Advocacy (IDEA) presents its Spring lecture featuring guest speakers Oskar Ly, Phen Thao, and Mey Chau from Shades of Yellow, a Twin Cities based organization for Hmong LGBTQA. The event will begin at 1:30pm on Tuesday, April 17th at the Weisman Art Museum's Sheppard Room.

Guests will discuss the experiences of Hmong/Asian Pacific Islander LGBTQA as well as other current issues that are impacting the Hmong community.
This lecture is free and open to the public. Refreshments and desserts will be served.
Shades of Yellow, also known as SOY, is a Hmong LGBTQ nonprofit organization that works to provide support, education, advocacy, and ledership development to Hmong LGBTQ and allies. SOY is made up of a diverse group of community members, constituents, and allies. We are committed to creating a community that is aware of the issues that Hmong LGBTQ face. We are based out of St. Paul, MN. SOY is unique in that we are the only known Hmong LGBTQ Organization in the world, so we make an effort to have online presence in hopes to reach out to other Hmong LGBTQ across the country.
Sponsored by:
The Institute for Diversity, Equity, and Advocacy (IDEA)
"A research and community building initiative that convenes scholars from the University of Minnesota and around the world to collaborate in innovative and groundbreaking ways across disciplines, departments, colleges, and campuses. In addition to supporting the development of new research, IDEA is designed to enhance retention and faculty diversity by fostering stronger ties among and with faculty and the local community."
The Transgender Commission
"Celebrating Gender Diversity and Working to Create Equity and Access for People of All Genders at the University of Minnesota"

Sister Spit Spoken Word

Save the date for Sister Spit Spoken Word event on Sunday, April 15th at 7:30pm. The event will be at the Bell Museum Auditorium and will feature the artist and star of the film Short Bus, Mx. Justin Vivian Bond, and author and activist Dorothy Allison.

Sister Spit began in 1994 through the efforts of co-directors Sini Anderson and (2004 Lambda Literary Award Finalist) Michelle Tea. Sini and Michelle gathered together a group of some of the most notorious, talented, and frickin' interesting women and dykes, and went on tour all over the U.S. This year Sister Spit will be joined by BOTH the artist and star of John Cameron Mitchell's film, Short Bus, Mx. Justin Vivian Bond, and acclaimed author and activist Dorothy Allison (author of Bastard out of Carolina and Trash). Check out the Sister Spit website for more information on all performers!
This event is FREE and open to the public (donations will be collected at the door to support CeCe McDonald).
Co-sponsored with the Steven J. Schochet Endowment for GLBT Studies & Campus Life, Women's Student Activist Collective (WSAC), and Queer Student Cultural Center.
For more information, please contact schochet@umn.edu.

MN Political Theory Colloquium feat. Prof Zerilli

Join the Political Theory Colloquium on Friday, April 13th at 1:30pm in room 1314 Social Sciences tower. Professor Linda Zerilli will present her paper entitled "Toward a Democratic Theory of Judgment."

Professor Zerilli is Charles E. Merriam Distinguished Service Professor of Political Science and Faculty Director of the Center for the Study of Gender and Sexuality at the University of Chicago. Her most recent book is Feminism and the Abysss of Freedom (Chicago University Press, 2005).
The Colloquium will be in 1314 Social Sciences. Coffee will be served.
Attached is an event flier and Prof. Zerilli's paper.
Abstract: What would it mean to foreground the capacity to judgecritically and reflectively as a central feature of modern democratic citizenship? This question, raised poignantly albeit not systematically in thework of Hannah Arendt, is of crucial importance for political and feminist theory today. For Arendt, the problem of judgment arises in the wake of the collapse of inherited criteria for judgment or what she called the final breakin tradition brought about by the political catastrophes of the 20th century. For contemporary theorists the problem of how to judge in the absence of these criteria remains an important one. But our focus must be different.The problem is not only the collapse of traditional standards but also how to take account of the plurality of standards that characterize multiethnic and multiracial societies such as the United States and, increasingly, WesternEurope. In this talk I argue that Arendt's turn to Kant's third Critique was a brilliant attempt to rethink how we might expand our understanding of what can so much as count as an object of judgment precisely as a response to this plurality of standards and to shifting multicultural understandings of what can be called political.