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Monday, March 31, 2014

Richa Nagar Talk

THE DEPARTMENT of GEOGRAPHY, ENVIRONMENT, and SOCIETY COFFEE HOUR presents a talk by Richa Nagar. She will be giving a talk titled "Truths, Tales, and Journeys with Sangtin." The talk will be held on Friday, April 4th at 3:30pm in 445 Blegen Hall. Click here for full event details.

This talk ties together insights gained from twelve years of journeying with members of Sangtin Kisaan Mazdoor Sangathan in India, in an open-ended articulation of "Four Truths of Storytelling and Coauthorship." For those who work in alliances across borders, coauthored stories can serve as a powerful tool to mobilize experience in order to write against relations of power that produce violence, and to imagine and enact contextually grounded visions and ethics of social change. Such work demands that we not only grapple with the complexities of identity, representation, and political imagination, but also rethink the assumptions and possibilities associated with engagement, expertise, and the very idea of authorship.