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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Hist 5900/8900 The History of Sexuality in Europe

Hist 5900/8900: The History of Sexuality in Europe will concern much more than sexuality and Modern Europe. This course will address key issues in historiography especially those inspired by Michel Foucault. It will also take on interdisciplinary methods and students in non-history departments are most welcome. The main subjects of the course will include 20th century Germany; imperialism in Latin America and India; and postmodern society. Participants will be able to choose between writing a historiography paper or a research paper (either can be on a non-European topic). For more information, please contact Anna Clark at clark106@umn.edu.

Book list:
Laura Doan, Disturbing Practices. University of Chicago Press, 2014
Pete Sigal, The Flower and the Scorpion: Sexuality and Ritual in Early Nahua Culture. Duke University Press Books, 2011.
Sharon Marcus, Between Women. Princeton University Press, 2007
Matt Houlbrook, Queer London. University of Chicago Press, 2005
Anjali Arondekar, For the Record: On Sexuality and the Colonial Archive in India. Duke University Press, 2009
Scott Spector, After the History of Sexuality: German Genealogies with and Beyond Foucault. Berghahn Books, 2012.
Edward Ross Dickinson, Sex, Freedom, and Power in Imperial Germany, 1880-1914. Cambridge University Press, 2014.
Dagmar Herzog, Sex after Fascism. Princeton University Press, 2007
Elizabeth Bernstein, Temporarily Yours: Intimacy, Authenticity and the Commerce of Sex. University of Chicago Press, 2007