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Monday, November 3, 2008

University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Rural Sociology and Department of Family Medicine

University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Rural Sociology and Department of Family Medicine invite applications for a joint, full- time tenure-track position at the assistant or associate professor levels. Applications Due: Nov. 7, 2008.

ASSISTANT OR ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR AT UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-MADISON -- Full consideration will be given to applications received by November 7, 2008, although review of applications will continue until the position is filled.
University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Rural Sociology and Department of Family Medicine invite applications for a joint, full- time tenure-track position at the assistant or associate professor levels to begin August of 2009. The departments seek a scholar who specializes in medical sociology with research expertise or interest in aspects of community and rural health care, and the health of rural populations. The successful candidate will outline a research program that focuses on community health, broadly construed, detailing its applicability to rural areas and peoples, and/or rural minorities. Demonstrated excellence in social science research is required and the ability to obtain external research funding is essential. Responsibilities of the position include establishing a strong program of research, instruction, and student mentoring in both departments. Applicants should submit a letter detailing her/his qualifications for the position, research and teaching statements, a curriculum vitae, and two writing samples. In addition, applicants should request that three letters of reference be submitted on their behalf. All application materials should be sent to: Prof. Leann Tigges, Chair of Search Committee, Department of Rural Sociology, 1450 Linden Drive, Madison, WI 53706.