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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Torske Klubben Fellowship for Minnesota Residents

The University of Minnesota Graduate School is pleased to announce applications for the Torske Klubben Fellowship for Minnesota Residents. Applicants should have a strong, mature, and clearly defined career interest in a specific field, with a sound research or study plan. Winners receive a stipend of $13,000 for the academic year. Application deadline: March 1, 2010.

Torske Klubben Fellowship for Minnesota Residents
Background: The Torske Klubben, founded in 1933, is a Minneapolis luncheon club of men of Norwegian heritage who are deeply interested in Norway and NorwegianAmerican history and relationships. The organization funds University of Minnesota graduate fellowships for Norwegian citizens, as well as fellowships for Minnesota residents who have an interest in or connection with Norway and/or its culture. The overarching goal of the fellowship program is supporting future leaders.
Eligibility: Students currently registered for credit in the University of Minnesota Graduate School who are official stateofMinnesota residents may apply. The award is open to individuals who have an interest in or connection with Norway and/or its culture. Applicants should have a strong, mature, and clearly defined career interest in a specific field, with a sound research or study plan. Applicants must be able to demonstrate outstanding leadership skills and high academic achievement. Preference will be
given to students who earned their undergraduate degrees from a Minnesota college or university, or from a college founded by or associated with NorwegianAmericans,
such as Luther College in Decorah, Iowa, and Augustana College in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
Fellowship Amount: A stipend of $13,000 for the academic year. For recipients without another source of tuition support, such as an assistantship, the Graduate School Fellowship Office will provide a Tuition Scholarship for fulltime study for the academic year. Recipients may supplement the stipend with funds in any amount from any other source.
Application: The Torske Klubben Fellowship application consists of the following:
1. Application form.
2. Proposed plan of study or research.
3. Personal biographical statement.
4. Transcripts from graduate and undergraduate institution.
5. Two letters of recommendation.
Selection Criteria: Torske Klubben is interested in supporting students of high academic achievement who show great promise of becoming leaders in their chosen profession and/or in the Norwegian - American community, who have a deep and abiding cultural and/or professional interest in Norway (in a historical or presentday
context), and who convey a sensitivity to the future of Norway and NorwayAmerica
relationships. Need may be taken into account, all other factors being equal.
Application Procedure: Complete Fellowship description, application form, and instructions are available on the web at http://www.grad.umn.edu/fellowships/Instructions/TorskeKlubbenMN.html.
Graduate School Fellowship Office
University of Minnesota
314 Johnston Hall - East Bank Campus
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Telephone: 6126257579
Email: gsfellow@umn.edu
Deadline: March 1, 2010