As part of its "Oil + Water" series, the Interdisciplinary Humanities Center at UC Santa Barbara will be holding a two-day conference on "Oil + Water: The Case of Southern California" on April 9 -10, 2010. The conference will explore how these two elements have created and transformed the history and culture of Southern California. Application deadline: January 15, 2010.
"Oil + Water: The Case of Southern California" Conference
As part of its "Oil + Water" series (, the Interdisciplinary Humanities Center at UC Santa Barbara will be holding a two-day conference on "Oil + Water: The Case of Southern California" on April 9 and 10, 2010.
The conference will explore how these two elements have created and transformed the history and culture of Southern California; speakers may address both elements, or focus on either oil or water. Topics can range widely and could include the history of oil in Southern California; culture's role in Southern California's use of oil and water; surfing; car culture; marine life and coastal development; suburbia and urban planning; water use and ownership; oil production and the depletion of water reserves; oil, water and the politics of race in Southern California; Southern California after oil; oil, water and agriculture in Southern California; global networks of exchange in oil and water that involve Southern California; and eco-activism in Southern California. Papers should be 20 minutes long.
Application: Please send a CV and one page abstract to
UCSB has small travel subventions available for UC presenters coming from outside Santa Barbara. Please indicate in you application if you wish to be considered for one.
Application Deadline: January 15, 2010