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Friday, May 3, 2013

The University Libraries: Crossword Puzzles for Students to release some tension during finals

The University Libraries teamed up with Prof. George Barany to create crossword puzzles for students to keep their minds clear and take a break from their studies during Finals week. Puzzles are being places in the Wilson, Walter, and Music Libraries. Other activities are planned across the Libraries as well.

Yes, the crossword puzzle is now 100 years old. Today we have tons of other mind games, but the crossword continues to baffle the brain and intrigue the mind.
The first known published crossword puzzle was created by journalist Arthur Wynne from Liverpool, who is usually also credited as the inventor of the popular word game. December 21, 1913 was the date and it appeared in a Sunday newspaper, the New York World. It is republished here: http://www.crosswordtournament.com/more/wynne.html
Here at the University we have faculty (and students) working to put the "fun" in "dysfunctional" creating crosswords for fun and pleasure. Leading this pack of creative geniuses is Chemistry professor-by-day, George Barany, who has had puzzles published in the New York Times and other venues. He has a host of collaborators (see them @ http://www.chem.umn.edu/groups/baranygp/puzzles/) and they have kindly allowed us to make some of these masterpieces available during Finals Week for students to use to keep their minds clear and take a break from their studies. Puzzles are being placed in Wilson and Music Libraries - as well as Walter, where they have been used in past years.
Students (or faculty or staff) are welcomed to stop in, grab a java or bagel, and settle in for some serious puzzle challenges. Not to worry - they have the answers in hand at the information desks in case you get stumped. Their goal is to have fun, release tension and keep you at the top of your game.
Other activities are planned across the Libraries as well!
All this in addition to their wonderful resources, excellent staff and ample study space for your studying.