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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

HSPH IGG Student and Faculty Happy Hour

A Heritage Studies and Public History Interdisciplinary Graduate Group (HSPH IGG) student and faculty happy hour will take place Wednesday, December 11 from 4:00-6:00pm in 389 Humphrey.

It has been an exciting semester getting the HSPH IGG up and running. Students from History, Architecture, Anthropology, Theater, the Humphrey Institute, Continuing Education and other departments have gotten together several times to discuss their goals for the HSPH IGG and to discuss the disciplinary perspectives they bring to the table on HSPH definitions, issues, and activities.
A few initiatives that HSPH IGG hopes to accomplish in the Spring semester:
1) Brown Bag lunch series with HSPH faculty and local HSPH professionals.
2) Regular reading group meetings
3) Invite HSPH speaker(s)
4) Get involved in local heritage and public history networks
5) A new acronym! SHIPS (Studies in Heritage and Public Scholarship) is a front runner. They welcome any other suggestions you might have.