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Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Dissertation Proposal Develop Program Call for 2019-2020 Faculty Facilitators

THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA’S INTERDISCIPLINARY DISSERTATION PROPOSAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM is seeking additional faculty facilitators for 2019 – 2020. As a faculty facilitator, you will work with other facilitators to select student participants, design and run two five-day workshops, and follow up with students after the Fall workshops in 2019 and into 2020. There is a brown-bag information session for interest faculty on Monday, October 15, from 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM in Heller Hall Room 1210. For more information, see below. 

University of Minnesota–Social Science Research Council
Dissertation Proposal Development Program
Call for 2019-2020 Faculty Facilitators

Information Session Monday, October 15, 2018, 1210 Heller Hall

The University of Minnesota’s Interdisciplinary Dissertation Proposal Development Program (UMN-DPD) aims to expand and improve dissertation prospectus and grant proposal development for humanities and social science doctoral students at the University of Minnesota. The program is supported by a three-year grant from the Social Science Research Council for 2018–20; the Graduate School and College of Liberal Arts are currently working to continue and sustain this program at the University beyond the end of the SSRC’s grant support. The program includes an intensive five-day workshop in May, followed by student summer research, and another intensive five-day workshop in September, prior to fall research grant proposal deadlines.

We are currently seeking additional faculty facilitators for 2019–20. We will be offering two workshops of 12 students each in 2019 and 2020, led by a combination of experienced and new faculty facilitators representing different disciplines from the humanities and social sciences. We welcome interest and attendance from faculty who are new to formal proposal workshops and training, and also those who are already working on prospectus development initiatives.

As a faculty facilitator, you will be working in collaboration with the other facilitators to select student participants, design and run two five-day workshops (May and September), and follow up with students after the Fall workshops in 2019 and into 2020. You will also be asked to provide input for evaluating and sustaining dissertation proposal development on campus. The graduate students selected for participation in the program will register for a three-credit seminar in fall semester 2019. Facilitating the DPD program will be counted as a regular course when calculating the faculty member’s workload. 

We will offer a brown-bag information session for interested faculty on Monday, October 15, 12–1 p.m. in 1210 Heller Hall. Beverages and cookies will be provided; please feel free to bring your own lunch. If you are interested in the program but cannot attend this session, please email Susannah Smith slsmith@umn.edu and we will contact you directly.