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Monday, November 9, 2009

Assistant/Associate Professor Position in School of Social Transformation

The new School of Social Transformation at Arizona State University Tempe Campus invites applications for a full-time, tenure track assistant or associate professor to begin August 2010. Ph.D. required by time of appointment. Submission deadline: January 5, 2010.

Assistant/Associate Professor Position in School of Social Transformation
The new School of Social Transformation at Arizona State University Tempe Campus invites applications for a full time, tenure track assistant or associate professor to begin August 2010.
The successful candidate will join the faculty of the new School of Social Transformation and will have a joint appointment in two of the school's faculties: African and African American Studies, Asian Pacific American Studies, Justice and Social Inquiry, and Women and Gender Studies. The school's 42 faculty are trained in a wide range of disciplines in the humanities, social sciences, and interdisciplinary fields. The school seeks to think in more complex ways about race, ethnicity, gender, class, sexuality, social and economic justice, labor, and especially how these inquiries foreground social transformation on local and/or global levels. These inquiries must also engage in collaborative forms of teaching and knowledge creation that will enhance our ability to make new discoveries, create social innovations, and engage with others in changing the world. Some of the research areas in the school include but are not limited to: Cultural Representations of Social Difference, Diasporas, Human Rights, Immigration and Migration, and Sustainability. We encourage potential candidates to go to the school website and learn more about our faculties' research. http://sst.clas.asu.edu
The school seeks a candidate whose research focuses primarily on processes of social change or social transformation, engages intersectional, transdisciplinary research, and explores global and local interconnections. The candidate will contribute to the development of diverse new degrees and certificates.
Qualified candidates must have a Ph.D. by August 2010 in a relevant field such as: African and African American studies, Asian American/Pacific Islander studies, cultural anthropology, economics,ethnic studies, geography, history, justice studies, literature, political science, sociology, women's studies; ability to work effectively in an interdisciplinary and collaborative setting; and a demonstrated record of scholarly achievement, including research and teaching, in the study of social change and transformation. Grant potential and evidence of publication activity desired.
Please email a single pdf file containing letter of application, cv, and writing sample to r2@asu.edu, and have three letters of recommendation sent to: School of Social Transformation Search Committee, c/o Roisan Rubio, Arizona State University, PO Box 874902, Tempe, AZ 85287-4902
Deadline for submission of all materials is January 5, 2010. For more information about SST and this position, please visit http://sst.clas.asu.edu http://sst.clas.asu.edu/ , or contact Dr. Karen J. Leong at karen.leong@asu.edu
Arizona State University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer committed to excellence through diversity. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. For more information please see https://www.asu.edu/titleIX/ . Background check is required for employment.