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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Welcoming Suggestions for Articles for the EAS

The Encyclopedia of American Studies is updated quarterly, with new articles being added and existing articles updated. They welcome proposals from members for new articles for the online EAS. Proposals for new entries will be reviewed quarterly by Editor and the EAS Board. Contributors will be paid at the normal rate for contributions, which typically ranges from $75 to $250, depending on length. Contact Editor in Chief, Simon Bronner at sbronner@psu.edu.

If you have an idea, please first check the EAS to see whether we have covered this topic in some fashion.
The BROWSE function at the top navigation bar can be used, or select "List of Entries" from the sidebar.
You can also enter keywords with the SEARCH or QUICKSEARCH functions at the top navigation bar.
If you want to suggest topics and biographies for entries, please write a brief description of the proposed title and its significance (less than 100 words).
You can also participate in discussion of the encyclopedia's coverage and uses on the EAS Facebook page.
Proposals for new entries will be reviewed quarterly by the Editor and the EAS Board.