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Monday, December 17, 2012

Tenure-Track Assistant Professor at Howard University

The department of Sociology and Anthropology at Howard University invites applications for a tenure-track job at the Assistant Professor level. Candidates must have a PhD in Sociology, with teaching and research ability in the field.

Assistant Professor Position in Sociology
Howard University
The Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Howard University invites applications for a position at the Assistant Professor level, tenure-track, in Sociology beginning in August 2013. Candidates must have a Ph.D. in Sociology, with teaching and research ability in the field. The successful candidate should be able to teach a range of social inequality courses - e.g., social stratification, poverty, systemic and intersectional analysis of race, nationality, class, gender, sexuality, and globalization and empire - from a critical structural perspective. In addition they should be able to teach courses in social theory, public sociology, or social change and social movements. Salary is competitive and is commensurate with qualifications and experience.
To apply, please submit 1. letter of application describing teaching experience, teaching philosophy, and research and scholarly interests, 2. curriculum vitae, 3. writing sample (e.g., dissertation abstract and chapter, manuscript, or published article), 4. graduate transcript, and 5. three letters of reference to: Dr. Walda Katz-Fishman, Social Inequality Search Committee, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, 2441 6th Street, NW, Douglass Hall - Room 207, Howard University, Washington, DC 20059 (email: wfishman@howard.edu or wkatzfishman@igc.org ). Review of applications will begin on February 1, 2013 and will remain open until the position is filled.
Howard University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer.